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More manipulation tactics in the news

Lalena75's picture

Wonder if daddy is just mad she left him for a woman.


IslandGal's picture

That's just so damned pathetic!!

This "holier than thou" attitude is what's 'causing so much angst in the world today. Honestly, if the couple shows that they are more than capable of raising a child, then they should be left to it.

Flamin' judgemental wankers like this judge needs a real wake up call!

oldone's picture

It wasn't that many years ago that such a union would have automatically lost custody for a man or a woman.

I know a woman who lost custody of her two children for living with a man. She did not want to give up her alimony. She preferred to give up her kids. Not the same at all as a same sex relationship but just shows some of the crazy that exists.

purpledaisies's picture

It has nothing to do with the couple itself, it is about what the law states. That is the law in many states including mine. You can NOT live together you have to be married. No over night guests of a romantic type can spend the night when children are there.

This judge was only doing his job and telling the couple they can't live together unless married. It is not a Gay bash.

The daddy may very well be mad but so was my dhs ex and she successfuly had us ordered my the judge that we couldn't live together unless married
Same excat thing and reasioning.

purpledaisies's picture

But that's not the judges fault he was only doing his job by going by the law. It was/ not a jab toward gays and leisbians.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree really I do. But to bash this judge for this is wrong. The law just needs to be changed.

purpledaisies's picture

Honestly I don't know those answers. But from this one incident we can't judge. This may be the only one to come in his court or that he follows the law to the letter or he did it since they were both girls. Who knows but right now we don't know and we shouldn't judge til we get the facts. As of right now he did nothing wrong and only went by the law.