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How to take a good thing and make it bad

Lalena75's picture

This week was going well, some of the stress of the recent weather related disaster has started to lift and recovery has begun to happen so I was able to step back from that a bit and study for finals, see my kids and engage as a mother and significant other again. Better news because of the disaster SO got a call to work (yay happy dance!) I asked him bluntly and point blank as my dad called to see if their help was needed transporting his kids if he was going to be able to get them to and from school with work. His response "oh yeah that won't be a problem." that was Wednesday. He worked yesterday and my dad took my son to his practice (I had an exam). I complained about exh calling and screaming at me over a still joint debt (bank will not modify due to both our credit sucking)I called mutual debt they say no idea why he thinks it's behind or they are calling him cause they aren't.
Forward to 8am SO calls wakes me up (I was up way late studying) to ask if I could get his kids from school! Had I been completely awake I'd of reminded him of Wednesdays conversation but said sure just to go back to sleep.
10 min later phone rings again I don't look before answering it, and it's exh screaming that he was just woken by mutual debt calling AGAIN. I hang up on him. Call mutual debt oh they already withdrew the payment from my account per the extension agreement (I already paid this month once!)So now they've double dipped I have 4$ left they won't fix their error exh has screamed at me twice in 2 days (isn't paying cs either) and SO didn't leave the car seats.
So I text him that I was not getting his kids, that #1 I have no car seats, #2 I have no gas money and have obligations for what little gas I have, #3 if he hadn't blown his last unemployment check on bullshit and had admitted he really hadn't thought out his kids transportation I wouldn't be so pissed because now he has to pay for latchkey but oh his son can't go because he got kicked out AGAIN!
His response he spent that money on jeans he had to have, food, and a xmas present for me. He forgot he blew extra out of the budget for food and he was warned not to so we could make it to this month (now there is no food and no money) and he forgot he bought his dd 3 shirts and a skirt she didn't need for her goo grades instead of the ice cream cone I suggested and she wanted (3$ vs 45$)
So I'm NOT driving his kids I'm not listening to exh harass me, I'm studying for my finals and the rest can go suck it.