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CAS can see right through all BM's bullcrap LOL

lac925's picture

Just a short add-on to my last post - I thought this was too funny Blum 3

*A bit of background info: SD11 has been living with her maternal grandfather (BM's dad) for the last 2 yrs. BM cannot handle her, so she sent her to live with him. Just a couple of months ago, SD11 was taken OUT of her grandfather's home on allegations of abuse by both him and his gf. She was then placed in foster care since BM doesn't want her back - yet, BM refused to hand over SD11's CS, so they will be taking DH to court to have the money redirected...FYI, SD11 isn't DH's bio-child, he took on the role of father figure when he and BM started (dating, I guess you would call it!). But we haven't seen her in years because BM and CAS has let HER decide whether she comes over or not :? So, DH is working on getting SD11's CS dropped so that BM won't have that money to spend on herself or the other two skids (she told DH, and I quote: "I bought SS10 and SD9 iPads with SD11's money"...WHY she would tell DH this, I have NO idea!)... Anyway!

Last night, as we were discussing the skids, DH told me that BM asked CAS to "investigate" SD11's foster parents - just to cause more drama and to try to attempt to make herself look better. She told them that she "had a letter that SD11 wrote" (supposedly about whatever kind of "abuse" is going on there, or whatever). So naturally, CAS wanted to see this letter and they asked BM to drop in to give it to them. But wouldn't you know it, BM told them that she was "sick" and couldn't make it :? Of course, that's a big giveaway that she was lying. I mean, if you were a concerned mother who is suspicious of abuse towards your daughter, you would RUN over to that office to drop off said letter, wouldn't you? CAS thought so, too. And their response? "Well, then it isn't much of a concern to you, is it? Good day, BM." BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I want to KISS them! I wish I could've seen BM's face when they said that to her! Blum 3 Biggrin :O I doubt SD11 is going through any more abuse than what she had to live with for the last 11 years. BM knows that CAS is trying and taking steps to get SD11's CS from her, so this is her last ditch effort to hang on to that money for as long as she can. What a pathetic excuse for a human being!

I just thought it was good karma on BM and to let others out there (who are suffering at the hands of their BM's antics) that there IS a God and he's watching! Smile


Anon2009's picture

I'm glad cas is onto this bm.

My thoughts and prayers go out to BMs kids. Please tell me she doesn't have custody of her other kids?

lac925's picture

I agree I-m so happy I always tell DH that BM should've given SD11 up for adoption instead of keeping her for her own selfish reasons! SD11 would have been a LOT better off and not so screwed up by this woman!