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ktf1988's Blog


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just realized I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Dh is less than excited. Its so sad to me because I feel like im alone and even at fault here... He's so worried about money...which believe me I feel the stress! But it's like he wants to take out the frustration on me. Actually this time he is 75% better. We actually went through this in Novemeber 2010, ended in a heart breaking miscarriage. Again an unexpected pregnancy...and DH was livid, not necessarily at me, but I was the only one to take the brunt of his reaction.

hospital visit that bio mom could not handle...

ktf1988's picture

my sd needed surgery, which was scheduled sooner than was originally anticipated. of course i planned to go down and visit with her,i am very involved in my sd's lives, although im invisible to their bm.Not to mention I wanted to be there for my h. I have been with my h for 4 years, married 2. . I attempted to make several different arrangements, they fell thru bc of work, etc. So in the end I decided to follow my husband (4 HRS.) and stay the first 2 nights (she would be in one week).