kristina85's Blog
My step kids went to their real moms for the long weekend and came home so hateful, rude, disrespectful ect.
We made them supper one night and the 6 yr old is mommys baby, didnt want to eat his supper so he looked at his dad and tossed his plate on the floor. Then when he was told to go to his room he throw a temper tantrum. Which he hasnt thrown since we first got them from their moms a yr ago.
He got sent to his room meanwhile the younger brother wasnt doing anything nearly as bad and got a spank.
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Frustrated Step-Mother
Im a step mom to my fiances 4 and 6 yr old boys. There moms a deadbeat wack job. We are trying to get custody of them, but don't have enough money to keep up to the court costs, she gets everything paid for because shes on government assistance (no job, no high school degree, no drivers licence {we believe, even our lawyer she only in it for the money}).
She even told us we could have them if they lived closer.
Shes trying to take my fiance to the cleaners (they were never married), she left him.
She was the one cheating on him, back in the day.
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