Too soon?
STBX is going at the end of June. THANK GOD. I cannot take it anymore. I just want him O U T. It's nuts but with a firm date in sight I can accept that it will be another 5 weeks or so. Especially as he has found a place already!
So this girl at work that knows about my divorce and how unhappy I've been told me that her husband has a friend who's divorced (NO kids woofuckinghoo) and she asked me if she could give him my email address. I figured it couldn't hurt so I said yes. We've been chatting back and forth and last night he was TOTALLY weird talking to another guy but surprisingly nice at the same time. I felt alive again, cheesey at it sounds. He seems very nice and at the end of the convo he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him one night this weekend or next week. I was kind of thrown...and I have NO idea what to do! I don't know him very well but he seems nice and we have some things in common. He lives about 45 min. away which is fab b/c I am not ready to start dating someone who is down the street and always in my face. I don't know...I feel like I shouldn't be going out with him. Like i'm doing something wrong. then I think of how STBX was looking on a single parent board the night I told him I wanted a divorce. But then am I just like him if I go out with this guy? I don't know....should I say no and take more time to be alone before jumping into something like this? I don't know the protocol. I can't say I'm not tempted to go out with a nice guy after years of BS with STBX....
- Krissy's blog
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Thank you!
I so appreciate your comment, Fearless!! I do want to go but I am worried about what people would think if I told them. I guess I have it in my head that I need to have some mourning time for my marriage but honestly, it's been over for SO long and it's hard for me to express that to people who don't get it. I am so excited by the way of the idea of a man (not necessarily this one, but...) who doesn't have kids but doesn't mind that I have one. I have been miserable for SO LONG now and I just want to go out and have some fun.:)
You don't owe anyone an explanation
I know that is easy to say, but when it comes down to it, you don't owe anyone an explanation of who you go out with and when. The only people that matter are you and your child in this scenario. And you are the one who goes out on the date, and if that gives you a sense of freedom and relief and a little extra boost of confidence, then you will be a a better you and in turn a better mom. One thing I have learned is that you have to take care of yourself - not to the exclusion of your family, but you still have to make sure that you are healing and that you are in the best place possible. Go on the date, and anyone who really cares or judges -well, they can seriously go f themselves! This is about you.
- K
Krissy you do what feels right!
I was with my ex for 9 years & married for 6. Our marriage sucked from the beginning. We had talked divorce for 3 years till I finally told him no more next year crap, I wanted a divorce & this is what I wanted. I found an attorney who would do uncontested for 1300.00 & I was going to file. I let the a$$hole live in my basement for about 2 weeks afterwards. ( big mistake, you have not lived till your ex greets you naked & wants to talk..eww.. he is not an attractive man to start with, plus he was a lousy selfish lover) Any how, I figured I was not getting any younger ( besides I was in the best shape of my life & had never looked better or felt better)& started internet dating. Went out with a few goofs & then met DH. We connected immediatly & talked 4 hours on the phone the first night. I knew I was going to have a relationship with this man w/o ever having seen him. ( the picture he had posted did not do him justice at all.. it did not look at all like him, but I didn't care because I was so attracted to his personality after a few days of talking.) We had our first date the day after my divorce was final and I have been with him ever since. Infact our babies original due date was the anniversary of that first date... fate or what!
I married DH in less than a year & my family thought I was nuts. But I know it was right. I always say that the reason I stayed in the horrible first marriage because I was bidding my time till he came along. I belive this with all my heart, that as much as BM & his family drive me nuts with their stupidity I am where I am supposed to be.
I say screw whay others may think, we can only live our own lives & those that may judge better consentrate on their own messed up lives.
Good luck and I am glad he will be gone soon!
Go, and I'll babysit!
Listen, don't let judgemental people who don't have a clue about your life make you feel like going out on a date at this point would be wrong. I think it was Anne who once said that there is the emotional divorce (which you evidently have been through already) and the legal divorce (which I'm assuming isn't final yet, and is why you're second guessing yourself about going out with this guy?) If you're ready, GO! And have a great time, no worries. If other people want to pass judgement on you, screw 'em!
Do it with Discretion
I would hate to see him turn around and try to sue you for adultery even though he is the one at fault in your case. You are still married to the guy legally. Do you have a separation agreement done up yet? I am only saying this because when I got my last divorce my attorney was very adament that I wait to be divorced so not to mess up the divorce case. If you are not married GO FOR IT HONEY!!! You deserve to be spoiled rotten!
You Can Divorce
On the grounds of Adultery if someone has enough proof on you pics, etc. I know in NC one woman sued the Mistress for Alienation of Affection when her husband left her for another woman and won the case!!! That was a 2 million dollar lawsuit.
I think the adultery issue
I think the adultery issue was somehow related to claims of "alienation of affection" and I guess it used to be a valid complaint, but from what I understand it doesn't hold water anymore. Although you are right that if I did commit adultery, that might influence the judge somewhat when it comes time to divide the assets--but in our case, thank GOD we decided to wait to buy a house and never had a child together. We have always kept our money separate and incurred no debt in our marriage, together or separately other than his CS issues. I own my car and he leases his. Plus, neither of us are wealthy people on paper so he doesn't have anything to sue for. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I would never have a sexual relationship with any person until STBX was LONG gone and not around to know what the hell I do. And I'm not even in a position to, as I have to ahve a LEEP next week for cervial dysplasia and I think I have to abstain for about 6 weeks afterward. Ick but also a good deterent
Well After The Way he Treated You
You deserve to be happy. I would go for it. Not much anyone can really do to you. My divorce was a very long time ago.
So I am going to go! I picked a place near my house and my sitter is all gung-ho to keep DD late. The guy is really nice about acommodating me and he seems to be really looking forward to it.
Something he said this morning struck me as a little odd, tho, and I'm wondering if I'm just paranoid. He sent an email saying he was looking forward to tonight, and he also asked me if I would bring a pic of my daughter. I immediately got a weird feeling. Why does he want to see a picture of my daugher--to see if she's ugly? To see if she's cute? To be a perv? To just come off like he's interested? He doesn't have kids....I don't know. Am I paranoid?
I'm glad you decided to go! This is exciting!
I'd be kinda weirded out by his request for your daughter's picture as well. It could be he's just trying to come off like he's interested, but why wouldn't he just ask when you meet up tonight instead of arranging it ahead of time? Kinda creepy! (But maybe I'm paranoid too.)
Oh my...
The picture thing is a bit disconserting. How well does your friend at work know this guy?
definitely go and try to
definitely go and try to enjoy yourself BUT definitely DO NOT bring a picture of your daughter. That is just too odd of a request and until you know him a lot better he should have no personal info about your daughter or how to become her friend.
Ask him lots of questions like. How is someone so wonderful still single? How many kids do you want some day? (but not so bold) etc...
Just to get a feel for this guy.
Also pay close attention to his eyes. If he is in any way going to be a bad thing for you or your daughter he will look up and to the left or avoid eye contact when/ if he tries to cover anything about himself.
Sorry if I seem to be over reacting but as a survivor of incest and child molesting, and a mother of 6 "cute little girls" I have become very guarded about men(and even women)and how comfortable their relationships are with young helpless children.
Good Luck and I hope things work out for you.
Oh and as far as is it too soon? Not if your ready. Just be careful how soon you let your daughter know that mommy has a new "friend" a lot of strong emotions come with that situation.
Lisa Dawn
Not very well I don't think. He's someone that her husband has golfed with and I guess they have a casual friendship. They had gone out for drinks with him recently which is where the pic came from that my coworker showed me. He did teach pre-K (while he was married beceause his wife was super-loaded, but had to go back to software developing when they got divorced because the money was so crappy in teaching). So I know he really loves kids, and if he taught he must've had clearances...I don't know. I did think it was weird but my gut kind of tells me that he is trying to seem interested and not bothered by me having a child rather than pervy. MAybe since he doesn't have kids he doesn't "get it" that we get alarmed easily. I don't want to flip out about it b/c I honestly don't think he meant it weird...when I met STBX (on the internet) he did the same exact thing and I also thought that was weird...he's an ass for sure, but he's no child predator.:) I don't know....
Edited to say THANKS Lisa! That's great advice. I will "forget" the bring a picture and get to know this dude before I even describe what my DD looks like.
And I am sorry to hear of what you went through. I am a rape survivor so altho I don't know your pain, I can sympathize somewhat.
That is wise advise
from Lisa..I agree 100%..Hope you have a great time.
I couldn't not say something
Okay, so honestly, I couldn't keep quiet so I emailed him and in a tongue-in-cheek way asked him if he was a perv. Obviously if he is he's not going to admit it, but here's his response:
"Absolutely not! I have references! Very tough topic I know, especially since we have not met. I like kids too much and I get along and understand them better than adults. To screw someone up for a lifetime by doing something wrong to them is absolutely whacked and that person deserves to be tortured forever as far as i'm concerned. That goes for hurting children, women, men, anyone. I'm not political at all and I'm not a practicing catholic (probably because I had to endure catholic grade school, HS, and college!). I'm actually not really opinonated about most things but I when it comes to abuse, I do hope that what comes around goes around for those people.
You don't have to bring a photo. As i said, I want you to be comfortable. I am really a normal guy. A good person. All people that know me would say the same. I'm likeable and I like being that way. I'm a gentleman and a darn good catch!!!! Okay my head is getting too big for my own good right now.
Can't wait to meet you! I'll be there by 7."
Sound okay to you guys???
Sounds pretty straight forward
to me. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Have fun!
Thing is, most men come across as wanting to date girls without kids...they consider it "baggage"...Been there, done that as a single mom for 12 years before DH. He was probably letting you know he's ok with the kid thing. That's all. Definite clearance if he taught school. They do all kinds of background checks.
Email sounded great
Let us know how it goes!!
I'm so excited for you! Remember, there are no rules. Just be yourself and do what makes YOU happy. Does he know you're going through a divorce? On the picture of the daughter thing, I didn't get any weird vibes from it. I thought he probably just wanted to know what she looked like and use it as an opportunity to let you brag on her a little bit and talk about something that you're comfortable with and know a lot about.
Good luck and have fun! Let us know how it goes!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Odd request re: bring the photo of your child?
It certainly is. I can appreciate that maybe he wanted to send a message about kids being okay with him but, honestly, you haven't even met him yet. Why does he need to see, know, hear about your child? Why would he care? Odd request definitely...does that mean he is a deviant, nope but it would definitely put me on guard. Maybe he is just a bit socially awkward...who knows. But there are also many people who have risen to very prominent social places with total clearance who are absolute nutbars and who commit very bad deeds. Is it worth the risk?