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Crying over spilt milk

KP5's picture

My two youngest sk's live with us under a child protection order and get supervised visits with the bm. I obviously can't get into details however when having a conversation with the social worker last night, she indicated to us the bm has concerns that we do not offer milk to the kids. Now keep in mind that they get milk at school and the babysitters...

So does this make sense to anyone? The bm lost her kids due to abuse but is mad because we don't offer the kids milk? WTF?

Lucky fo us the social worker see's this too but has to mention it anyways. But really???


overworkedmom's picture

It might be worth it to keep a 1/2 gallon in the fridge just to keep bases covered. I agree its stupid, my kids really only eat at home for dinner and on the weekends and we don't keep much milk around because your right, they drink it at daycare for breakfast and school for lunch. I don't see it as a big deal.

KP5's picture

We actually pulled out the bags of milk we have to show the worker. She was quite nice about it. The thing that kills me is that the kids don't really like milk and they get enough calcium in their food? And they are 9 and 10 not little kids. Sigh Smile

PeanutandSons's picture

Bm probably just wanted something to bitch about. Probably made her feel like less of a shitty mom to point out something that she would have done "better" than your guys.

KP5's picture

Oh for sure and we were warned that once she got a lawyer (paid for by legal aid of course) this would start. And here we are in for the long haul...

LPS's picture

just remember to document everything BM does and says, it will be helpful in court. Milk isn't all that healthy anyway, if the kids get it in daycare and school, there is no reason they should be only drinking milk. I agree with everyone, BM is just trying to make herself feel better. Don't let her sh*t stink up your house.

KP5's picture

That is what the social worker said that basically she has no say in the running of my house no more then we did with her's when the kids were there.

Bascially she said, can you just offer the kids milk. Obviously it is a game the kids play too. The one child has a weight problem so we have adjusted their food to try and reduce her weight which has been working thus far.