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Killingmeslowly's Blog

WWYD? (Won't be up long...)

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DH and I are going on an 8 day trip next month. It will be the longest and furthest I have ever been away from my little guys (DS9 and DS7), so I’m a little anxious about it. We had planned on having my parents stay with the kids for the majority of our trip, but then have SS26 stay with them for 2 or 3 of those days to give my parents a break. I was fairly comfortable with it at first, because he seems responsible enough to ensure they are fed and taken care of for a couple of days. Plus my parents live close by if he were to need help with anything.

Moving Skids STUFF

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I was reading No Name’s posts about SS not moving his belongings out of her house, and it made me think about my own situation with SS21.

A little background:

Throughout his high school years, we had many issues with SS21. Drugs, almost didn’t graduate, totaled both cars we bought for him (yes 2), and had parties at our house on the rare occasion we went out of town. You get the picture.