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bloghog BM bait and switch

KiFire's picture

We went home once we waited the half hour at GBMs. About 10minutes after we got home and the kids were playing GBM texts FDH that she'll be home in 5 min. We drive BACK to her house and FDH goes up to get SD.

SD is mumbling and not making eye contact saying she wants to stay home for a 'mummy SD and Baby' day. she's acting terrified of going with FDH. He tries yo say that BS and SD5 are in the car waiting and BM sends SD to another room then chastises FDH for 'bribing' SD. Then she tells him to get the fuck out. If he can come back with a cop she'll release SD so the cop can witness the 'kicking And screaming'. Then she backs FDH out the door and slams it.

We got back to the police station. They get the long and short of it. They don't have an officer to spare but if she will come to the station someone will oversee. They call her. She refuses, they tell her she's in danger of being held in contempt. She asks how to get a RO.

I really hope she's finally coming apart at the seams.


KiFire's picture

Having to witness that is the least of our worries. When she misbehaves BM threatens her with being sent to live here. "Youccan't pack or take your toys. No goodbyes or hugs. I'll just drop you off"

This fucked up bitch takes away her love as a punishment. I bawled my eyes out when SD shared that. I told her to talk to her teachers about it. Teachers are loving and important, they will always do what's best for SD.

I don't think SD is lying. What kid makes that up?

KiFire's picture

We didn't get her... the police wouldn't go to BMs house and she wouldn't go to the station.. so SD stayed with her mother

Lalena75's picture

This makes me so sad this is what BM does to ss (the forgotten child) she left him for a year with her brother (we couldn't prove it but the kids all said he lived with his uncle) Bm would only get him to play MOTY or to hurt SO because the poor kid never saw mom she'd go get him from the uncles bring him to SO and he'd cry about missing mommy and BM would be all "I know I'm so sorry you have to go with daddy I know it makes me so sick without you." or if he got in trouble she'd tell him if he kept it up she'd take him to daddys and never see him again! Same woman who is letting her dad beat ss, same woman who still ignores him and has flat out told the kids she doesn't want to "deal with them so grandma and grandpa will" Those kids only live with her so that SO CAN'T have full custody. (SO told her since they were mainly at her brothers he would be fin with full custody she took them back from her brothers)
SS is very messed up from all this, anxious nervous, and now signs of abuse are looking more and more obvious.