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Welcome to my world...

Karma_'s picture

My husband is sweet, sensitive, kind, trusting and totally naive to the conniving, manipulative, selfish women in his life. And I include myself in that statement...

I am DH's third wife.

I met him when I was 14 and at high school. He followed me around and walked me home, but I liked bad boys and he was quiet and shy, so I ignored him until eventually he went away. He later married BM1. 20 years later, both separated and me with two kids of my own, we met up again. This time, I could see him for the beautiful soul that he is and I believe that even with all his 'baggage', our marriage makes us both better people. He's worth it. And to be fair, I have some baggage myself.

But beautiful soul or not, he can be such a dumbass some times!

BM1 wants the world to know what a bad father he has been and is brimming with hatred, but it's BM2, the one who is supposedly the 'nice one' that gives us the most grief. She specialises in tears and guilt trips and hubby gives in every time, not wanting the skids to 'suffer'.

The moral of the story is this; that quiet, shy boy in high school may well grow up to be a wonderful, caring and attractive guy. Snap him up NOW before he has time to collect psycho ex wives. Wink


BabygotBack1988's picture

i like that i wish i could go back to high school and im only 19 !!!

i feel a lot older than that

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

ColorMeGone2's picture

LOL, so true! So true! Same scenario with me, only he dated all my friends in high school, we got married to other people, got divorced and eventually caught up with each other again after sixteen years. And I only have one psycho ex-wife to deal with. You're right, though. Get 'em while they're hot!

♥ Georgia, the un-stepmom ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

steppie1999's picture

DH has told my BS and one of his sons to be very careful with who they hook up with and patient and don't get in too big of a hurry. He wants them to "KNOW" the woman they marry and as he says, "so you don't get stuck with a psycho like I did" Wink


Georgie Girl's picture

I married the "bad boy" first time around and boy was that a BAD decision!

Dh is also a beautiful soul. Very caring but sometimes a bit of a d*mb*ss when it comes to bm and sd.;) Too bad I didn't meet him until I was 37.
