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karenemoy's Blog

BM Has So Much Nerve

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Have to vent but crazy, selfish BM called up yesterday demanding that we take SS to Florida for Thanksgiving - as she put it - "it is our turn" - the kid is 20!. We are going for a couple of days to see MY mother. She is so deparate to get rid of the kid fir Thankssgiving, she said she would pay his airfare - NOW all the sudden she has money. She just does not want her SON with her boyfriends family at Thanksgiving.

So she expects us to take him with us to stay in my mother's 2 bedroom apartment in a place for seniors! My mother barely knows him.

Major Issues with StepSon - cant take much more.

karenemoy's picture

New to site but at the end of my rope. Found out Stepson was a drug addict paid for rehab and now we are paying for another program since he was recently diagnosed as being bipolar. His name is mentioned and my husband and I get into fights. He makes excuses for him all the time. He was thrown out of house now sponging off of some friends. No job, no plans to get a job, just sits around and feels sorry for himself. My stepson used and maninpulted me for years for money. Does not care about me at all. Sends text message looking for pity - tells everyone I hate him.
