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so it doesn't apply to "Your" kids - hypocrit

kaffonseca's picture

LOL! funny little story..I pointed out to FH that he was being a hypocrit.

LAst night we are watching Real Housewives of Orange County - haha,he walked in on me watching it and got addicted..

anyways, a commercial came one that I didn't really pay attention to but somehow it came up about how some kids are picky eaters. So FH says "I can't stand should eat what is given to them and not have a choice". I TOTALLY agree.I tell my BD "don't like it, don't eat it". The only thing I compromise is potatoes,she's NEVER eaten I'll always make two sides - potatoes and rice - potatoes and some pasta. So it almost sounded like he was referring to my BD when he said it..but I just said - "your soo right."

Now SS5's kindergarten class gives them breakfast every am. Either a choice between cereal or a muffin. So I hear FH pouring SS a bowl of cereal and I ask him "why are you feeding him here if he eats at school"..c'mon milk is expensive nowadays - if he can eat free at school hell ya' I'll take advantage of it!

So he says "well SS doesn't always like what they feed him" LMAO!! WHAT - DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT??? I started laughing and told dear FH "isn't that what you were talking about last night though about kids not having a choice what they eat?" of course he got all defensive and tried to get all "I'm not going to argue blah blah"

My dear, not an argument ... just an observation that I'm voicing.

So than SS whines out "I don't like this one..I want the chocolate one" ..haha I was so happy this one time thta SS was whining to basically stick it to FH one more time Smile
