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JYMCat's Blog


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NMKNMP= Not my kid, not my problem

I've adopted this "attitude" and S/O and I aren't even living together yet. All of my family and friends feel that if he and I were to get married, that I should take on the mom role. S/O thinks so too. I know most, if not all of you know what I'm talking about. What they don't seem to realize is that I don't want to to take on this role. Maybe I'd be more inclined if I didn't already know that S/O is more likely to dismiss my input when it comes to his daughter than he is to consider it.

Perfect example,

Bitch Vs. Bitching

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I'm having the dumbest argument with S/O. We're currently on a 30 min break because he's too mad.

We got into an argument yesterday at some point he said, "stop bitching at me."

For obvious reasons I immediately had an adverse reaction to what he said. I said, "Great now you're calling me a bitch".

Awkward visit to ER

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S/O had to take FSD to the ER over the weekend. She had been playing outside while S/O and I made breakfast and when she came back in, she said her eye hurt. S/O brushed it off. Later he noticed one of her eyes was puffy on the eyelid but it didn't look serious. Later, we went to the movies with his whole family and Idk who noticed but the original puffy eyes was worse and her second eye began to swell too. So it was decided she needed to go to the ER. He asked me to come along and I said sure even though I was thinking why?

Only BM

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This weekend, as you all know, is mother's day. It also happens to be BM's turn to have FSD. How nice, didn't even need to call to request time with her child, right? Not so much in my case. BM called S/O claiming to be ill and throwing up. The exchange was supposed to be this evening because BM works today otherwise FSD would have been with her mom by now. Apparently she's not too sick to go to work but she's too sick to take her daughter for a couple of days. If you read through my previous posts about BM and how flakey she is, you'll notice that she's always sick.

Is there hope for my relationship?

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Hello all, I'm new. My first thread is a long one but I joined this website for the same reason all of you did. I'm 26 years old and I'm in a new relationship (almost 8 months he's 27) and I already see it falling apart due to how my BF is raising his three year old from his previous marriage. I have no children of my own and his daughter and I get along very well so that's not the issue. My issues have to do directly with his parenting practices.