Questions about money--sorry for rambling!
I am having an issue that I am not sure I need to discuss with my SO or just let it slide.
OK--I admit I am a control freak about some things...and finances/money is one. I pride myself in having decent credit and some restraints when it comes to spending and saving.
a few months ago my SO's ex father in law (that he still calls dad and that is cool with me) asked to talk to me privately at a family function (that BM was not at because she doesn't talk to her family other than her mom) Ex FIL told me that my SO was pretty crappy with money management and that he hoped I was better than him at it because his daughter was bad so neither of them during their marriage could save a penny. (Which I understand....we all need to teach our children how to manage money because most of us (even myself) can be horrible at it at times)
Anyway--back to the convo with Ex FIL. We talked and he said he set aside money for the grandkids (my skids) and he has money set aside for his ex SIL which he calls his son still. BUT the money is for later or when he passes. and he just wanted to make sure I would be able to manage. So, I said I was pretty good and had savings of my own and thanks for the concern..
(I am not working full time currently and my SO does not mind, does not complain, I take care of the house and skids when needed and he does not think of his money as just his it is ours.)
I talked to my SO about the conversation because I have nothing to hide and it was general concern from his ex FIL. So we planned on doing finances/bills together every month and that was dandy.
In reality I monitor and pay the bills and he has no clue what I pay and just takes money out all the time without checking with me to see if we HAVE any extra funds available. After I had to get money out of my savings to cover a payment because of him twice I started getting on him about this and he got upset about it. I do not want to be a nag but SOMEONE has to be responsible..and Thank God I have my own account still!
Every paycheck he puts in all into our joint account but $150 or so cash he has for spending money/gas/lunches whatever. I have no issues with that. BUT The past 3 months he has been taking out $300-$400 and it is no where to be found (I know his hiding spots) He also has lost money (or I found it laying around and never told him waiting for him to say something) and he has never said "Did you see a $50 bill laying around? EVER. I have found $230 total on the floor and picked it up and he has never mentioned it to me.
So--long story short.. should I bring up about the money he loses and never mentions to me? because what if he really loses it elsewhere or the kids are stealing it (instead of me picking it up and putting it back in the bank or toward a bill)How much more could we be losing? AND should I be asking him why he is taking out more each month? I do not want any secrets with him and I know he wants to buy me an engagement ring but be a surprise later this year or next so I do not want to stir the pot and be a money Nazi but...what should I do?
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Girl. You and he need to sit
You and he need to sit down and get this shit straight. SOMEONE has to be a money Nazi - in my marriage, that's me. It's one thing if you are in agreement on what to spend on, or if you each have "mad money". But taking out hundreds without a WORD on what you're spending it on? I make $60k/year and DH makes $93k/year, and our rule is "If it's a purchase over $200 or if it's more than 3 purchases over $100, TELL THE OTHER PERSON" It's a matter of common courtesy if nothing else. Plus, that kind of spending is a really bad habit to get into.
Either get this straight, or don't get married - you'll end up spending YOUR paycheck on the skids after he fritters away everything extra.
Agreed-----We have talked
Agreed-----We have talked before but--actions speak louder than words..thanks trish!
You need to ask him why he
You need to ask him why he needs so much spending money. He is either wasting it or giving it away, saving it to buy something, or saving it to leave you...either way, you deserve to know unless he says he is saving it to buy you a surprise..then you need a date to expect this surprise so you can call him on it. That is a lot of $$ As far as the lost money, you need to tell him the next time you find some and ask why he is so careless...
Not offended at all.
Not offended at all. Discussion tonight..will let ya'll know what happens.
After the skids leave tonight
After the skids leave tonight I am going to sit down and talk with him. We need to review money before our family trip next week anyway. Thanks for everyone's comments they have helped alot!
I am now the money Nazi! LOL