We finally got a response from BM
So much happened in the last few days and I really missed this site!! It looks great and I am so happy it is back up and going, thank you to everyone who was a part of it!!
To start off, SO is divorced!!! It only took 5 years and 2 months but as of Friday he is divorced! We are planning a summer wedding. *dance4*
Even though the divorce is settled we still don't have a custody agreement. The judge agreed to divorce but hold the custody hearing in April. The only visitation currently in a court order is spring break every year. We have 16 requests to her asking about YSS being able to attend his brothers graduation as well as coming back to our state with us after. She has refused to respond. I then got the idea to request medical updates because she knows she has to respond to medical questions.
Now for those who don't remember, BM "created" a heart condition right before we went on a cruise last year. It was unfounded but we were in court 2 days before he was supposed to be on a plane to meet us for the cruise. She wasn't going to let him go until we had letters from the head cardiologist saying there was nothing wrong with him.
Now, in poking the bear so to speak, we asked her thoughts on the HPV vaccine and if she was planning on him getting it (along with other medical and dental questions). She then told us that she was not getting it for him because people with Elhors Danlos react badly to it. --- That threw up all kinds of flags-- Was she saying that he has this?? This autoimmune disease that is characterized by fagile skin, dislocations, over extensnions of joints, chronic pain?? The kid who plays baseball, basketball, football and runs track?? No, that can't be right... So we press for more info which she refuses to give us, including is current PCP.
I call my kids peditrician and she said that she would be happy to do the exam and then refer him to a geneticist if needed and would also write a letter for court saying that it is bull shit if needed. So, now we have 2 cases where she has created serious medical conditions for SS that don't exsist. Hopefully this will be the final straw with the judge and SS will be moving to our state. Does anyone have any real issues with Munchausen by Proxy that won custody? I feel like that along with the documented PAS and refusal to coparent, we have a shot. Not to mention financial means, better schools and sports opportunities.
- justmakingthebest's blog
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You still don't have much of a case
Lying about a medical condition to her ex is not the same as Munchausen by proxy. She would have to be making him sick and cause lasting or permanent damage in order for that argument to go anywhere.
What is this "documented PAS" that you have?
Also, I have never heard of a divorce being granted without custody being established. That's crazy.
Convincing a kid he is sick
Convincing a kid he is sick is psychologiclly damaging
Sure, but good luck proving
Sure, but good luck proving that in court.
PA is psychologically
PA is psychologically damaging, too, but courts only periodically deal with that. Also, you need to be careful labelling her behavior as anything like Munchausen's. That's a medical diagnosis (as are Narcisistic, Borderline, Bipolar, etc.). Unless you're a professional who has done a full exam, you're not qualified to diagnose.
The fact is that you're dealing with an abusive individual. No one disputes that and no one thinks it's OK. But you're hoping/depending on the courts to recognize it and make a change because of it. Personally, I would encourage you to manage your expectations. Emotional abuse isn't visible and courts are often very reluctant to recognize it or make changes without substantial evidence. Even when they have substantial evidence they don't always act.
Yay for the divorce!!!
Yay for the divorce!!!
Congrats to you both! LOL
I odn't think the court will just take the kid in the event of her making up diseases... As long as the kid is provided for, courts are hesitant to take kids from a parent. Only thing you might get is proving that she's alienating the kid from your DH and causing him to miss big life events.
I hope it works out! Keep us updated!
Very happy for you. My SO and I are also planning a summer wedding - just mailed out the Save the Date cards. Exciting stuff