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OT- My house broken into (not really)

justmakingthebest's picture

DD12 calls me at work whispering-

DD: Mom... I think someone is in the house.

Me: What are you talking about?

DD: Mom, I am really scared. Someone broke in

Me: (Grabbing my purse and pulling up my home camera app) What is happening right now? Where is SS, where is BS?

DD: I don't know! Mom they are upstairs. They are outside my door

Me: (Running out of my office, I live a mile away) Ok, keep talking to me, what is happening

DD: Mom... I think they are vacuuming

Me: OMG! (Laughing hysterically) I told you that I had carpet cleaners coming this afternoon! 

DD: ooohhh yeah...

I still have tears running down my face from laughing! Someone broke into my house to vacuum y'all! 



lieutenant_dad's picture

Um, if anyone would like to break into my house and do some light cleaning, I'll leave the valuables out on silver platter with a sign saying "Take Whatever"!

bearcub25's picture

My DS and DIL lay carpet.  They were left a key to enter a basement at a house.   They went in and heard noises upstairs.  They called the home owners and said that it sounded like someone was upstairs and it sounded like a vacuum was running.  It was their rumba running.

susanm's picture

If you think that is disturbing, wait until you get hit by the underwear gnomes in the middle of the night.....

shamds's picture

lol this made my day!!