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BM1 /SS18 Update

justmakingthebest's picture

I never told SS18 about the crazy BM FM messages. It was just kind of amusing with the timing of events over the weekend though. 

I asked SS18 to pull up facebook on his phone. DH and I have tagged him in pictures for the past 2 years and nothing was showing up. No vacations, no events, no parties, nothing! I figured he had some setting blocking it. -- I was right and allowed all our pictures (he said he wanted them and didn't know what was going on). He then just started talking about BM and said he may have blocked everything to keep his mom off of his account. She used to hack it all the  time to harrass  family. SS18 (Autistic and Bipolar) also has a cousin who has a TON of issues. BM1 used to go in and post on his wall how ugly and retarded he was. How awful the whole family is, so and etc. (My heart just broke for the cousin... he was never even expected to live, let alone walk, talk and be able to do things like use a computer). I mean, what kind of person harrasses as then 14,15,16 yr old kid like that??? 

I asked SS if he wants to keep his mom on his facebook or just remove her until she gets clean again. SS said, yeah, just do that. -- So I did! SS said, you know Justmakingthebest... She probably won't ever really be clean... I told him, that yes, he is probably right, but removing yourself from unhealthy things is how he can keep moving forward in life and that it is ok to remove toxic people, even if that is your mom. SS knows his mom has issues. SS has said he no desire to talk to her until she can be a real mom (he tells me all the time how nice it is to have a real mom, even when I fuss at him becasue at the end of the fussing I always say "I love you kid, we will get better at this stuff together, ok?"). 


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Yay! Justmakingthebest this really made me smile!!! I'm so glad you're there for him and that you two seem to have a bond that he really needs!!! Smile