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Update on my Friend the BM and Michigan FOC

just.his.wife's picture

Original Blog is here:

The BM received the recommendation from FOC yesterday. (Apparently so did the Father since he is burning up her cell phone and she is refusing to answer his call. He is not leaving messages either.)

CS has gone from $1000.00 per month to $1998.00 per month as of 03.01.2014. Father has 21 days to appeal which he likely will.

Father is also having his paycheck jacked for an additional $250.00 a month to pay his $12,000.00 arrears in medical care.
Father was required to get the children insurance (per the original co and modification) which he has refused to do, he has until 03.01.2014 to prove to FOC that he has the kids enrolled in Health and Dental plans under:
a) his employers health plan
b) an obama care plan for the state of FLORIDA so their care is covered.

Father is responsible for the premiums and 75% of uncovered medical costs (I am guessing the latter was to ensure he didn't chose a cheap plan, to 'save' money).

The mother sent up the paperwork to show the kids need braces, from both a Florida Orthodontist and the recommendation from a Michigan Dentist. Braces have been proven to be a funtional necessity per FOC and are approved. Payment for the braces will be covered at the 75/25 split.

And since the father has not excercised his visition with the kids when it is his responsibility to pay for them to travel FOC made it where dad flies the kids to him, mom flies them home. This applies for all three visitation periods.

So, for all of her ex husbands crowing that her CS was going to be cut in half and he was buying his new wife a car with his savings... his CS instead has more than doubled.


zerostepdrama's picture

For as many crappy BMs out there, there are crappy BDs too! Sounds like this guy only wants to see his kids when it's on BM's dime. And I take serious issues with his voicemails/emails, etc stating he is going to use the CS money to buy his new woman a car. whatevs

I'm glad that the court is holding him accountable.

simifan's picture

Hahaha! Nope wouldn't answer his call for a good long time. I have no idea what he was thinking. Glad it worked out for your friend.

misSTEP's picture

Don't you just love it when Karma rears her head in these type of situations?

Who in the hell would call their ex and gloat that they are going to take money away from your children (while you are poor and disabled) and buy his woman a car instead??

just.his.wife's picture

Says even more about his (lack of) character that the $12k he is behind in medical bills... are related to the oldest daughters seizure disorder.

tiggidy08's picture

He's a disgusting pig. I'm glad those girls (and BM) will get the extra care they deserve.