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Humor for the morning

just.his.wife's picture

DH his kids and I spent most of the weekend at the shelter. Between serving meals and hair cuts the kids were playing with the kids there and having a good time. Both of DH's boys brought their skate boards with them and were showing off a few tricks they knew to the other kids there and actually letting the other kids try to do the same tricks or others they knew. They have also been very good about bringing their psp and game boys so these kids can spend some time playing video games while the boys work their hours off.

YSD is still healing the broken nose. Most of the bruising around her eyes has faded and with a small amount of concealing make up you hardly notice it. She was out with all the kids and at one point climbed herself to the top of the monkey bars with a couple of the other teenage girls there. They were just sitting at the top of this hexagonal dome talking. DH hollered at her to get down, before she fell and messed her nose up again. It had rained earlier and everything was wet, slick and muddy.

Apparently she didn't hear him (literally it was on the opposite side of the playground from where DH was) so he sent yss over to tell her to get down. Up the kid climbs half way up he slips and splooop - right into the mud. The teenage girls start laughing (but did climb down). Yss got his chance to get even, because two of the girls tripped into the mud as well, so he got to laugh at them. Within minutes 12 kids are out there having a mud fight while all the parents stood there, mouths open (apparently were going to say 'no dont' but never got the words out before it was too late).

12 kids ages 8 to about 17 all of whom looked like an extra out of the movie swamp thing.

We hosed the kids down and headed home a short while later. DH sends the kids to take showers and yss could be heard yelling from the bathroom: "Holy crap... my butt crack is still full of mud, how did it get THERE?"

Maybe it is a you-had-to-be-there moment but it cracked DH and I up.