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MIL tries to stir the pot again pt 2

Jcksjj's picture

So the good news is that DH finally got the full picture of who is mom is. And is kind of mocking her and joking around about her deleting him. And also basically said he's ready to cut her off (not in those exact words but it was implied).

When he first thought that she had only deleted me there was still "well idk why she would" and "maybe she thought you deleted her." Can't really deny she was just being a c*** now, huh? He also said at one point that he didn't do anything wrong. Yeah, no kidding DH. That's what I've been saying the whole time that she's been awful to me and the kids is that none of us ever did anything. Finally gets it now I guess that it's him too.


MissK03's picture

Your in laws are horrible. Flat out. I know a few Facebook "bullies" (if that's what you want to call it) 

Even my aunt (who I am close with) went on a spree and cleared out her Facebook. It was because of politics but, she deleted my SO. He has not posted on there since 2011 but, not sure why she felt she needed to delete him. We laughed about it. Never asked her why and don't care either way. 

Jcksjj's picture

I can understand deleting someone over some political (bleeding into moral) issues. DH and I never post anything other than family pics really. And I didn't even gave my Facebook active for a few months

Thumper's picture

You are not obligated to be 'face book' friends with anyone--MIL included.

What are you afraid of?





Jcksjj's picture


thinkthrice's picture

Fakebook and Twatter.  You'll feel relieved.  I have a couple fake accts only to keep track of the ferals but no longer have an actual personal acct there.