I feel like I've ruined my life
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is a vent to get everything off my chest at once because I feel like I'm stuck in a very negative place right now and if anyone has encouraging positive feedback I welcome it. And to the trolls on here - plan on getting deleted without the comment even fully read. Dealing with the trolls on here has actually helped me care alot less about judgmental people in general.
I hate stepparenting more than anything I've ever done in my life. And as time as went on I've only hated it more and more. Even the first couple years I was with DH I had no clue the degree to which the ugliness of dealing with the child of a personality disorder BM would bring. I've realized that despite DH trying, despite setting boundaries with BM and despite disengaging from SD I'm still miserable. I love my husband more and I love my kids with him (and of course ODS also). But honestly I was actually happier back when I was in a much technically crappier situation then I am now. Back when I was a young poor single parent with zero help from BD. Because at least I could enjoy parts of my life - the majority of it actually - without interference. BD was a piece of crap but at least he left us alone. He wasnt hellbent on destroying us like BM. Between BM and SD in some way or another they interfere with every single part of my life that brought me any joy. I used to LOVE being home with my kids. But all the stepparenting crap sucks the joy out of that. I used to love going on our family vacation every year. But after taking SD on a couple trips I never want to go again. I love my husband. But obviously theres the baggage of BM and SD that's well documented on here with that (not to mention MIL). Now even my friendships are being invaded by BM. Making close friends once your done with school isnt always that easy. I cant go to school events without BM and SD also being at them since SD is in the same grade as my son. I used to enjoy holidays but having to include an ungrateful spoiled brat in those also makes it unenjoyable. And then there's the fact that even when SD isnt there it's harder for me to enjoy family things knowing that DH is enjoying it less himself because shes not there. I hate how I feel like I'm wasting half of my youngest 2 sons baby years waiting for her to leave.
I also hate the degree that I have to watch my own kids backs. I hate that if my son makes friends at school or in our neighborhood SD will try to ruin that for him. I hate that she is so cold to the babies and that I cant trust her for a second around them, but then I watch her use them in front of certain people as pawns to make herself look wonderful. I hate that my son her age cant have anything to his own without her wanting to take it from him. The degree to which she has to be the center of everything and everything hers is smothering.
And as much as you can say just ignore it blah blah, do you know how hard it is to have to ignore all this crap CONSTANTLY? The energy it takes to have to be constantly navigating that crap and telling myself to let it go? Nothing can be done when SD is here without her forcing herself to be the center of it. And when shes gone BM takes over. What kind of person as such a vendetta against someone that THEY wronged that they still have that much energy to dedicate towards it 6 years later? Seriously I've come to the conclusion that having someone personality disordered that close to you personally means you're just screwed. Theres no getting around someone like that unless you can fully get away from them. I feel like being with DH and by extension BM and SD has basically ruined my life.
- Jcksjj's blog
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It DOES get better
Sending you some positive energy. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel (no matter how you get there, divorce, moving out, they die, or move) but eventually it does get better. The only guranteed thing is change.
Im sorry you are going through that. Its hard to battle mental illness, because they use it as a maipulation tool. Feral Forger is constantly going to be a thorn in the side of any that are close to her. I stress about the possibility she ends up on my doorstep, after getting a clue, and tries to be nice to get back in (at least with her hurling anger and false abuse accusations I have a GREAT reason to keep her away..)
That really sucks that you cannot enjoy things in life - life is too short for that! I hope that it gets better for you.
Thank you
Thank you
And yes I feel the same regarding the mental illness. I had an aunt with serious mental illness that caused my grandparents pretty much nonstop pain her whole life. And now all of her kids are doing pretty much the same. That combined with reading some of the posts on here about adult skids makes it hard to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel without leaving stepland. And even then well, only one of my kids can fully escape.
I understand how you feel :/.
I understand how you feel :/. I cannot stand my boyfriend's ex. She is bipolar and causes constant issues. She is the worst part of my life. I honestly want to move away to create distance from her. I feel like that's the best move IMO. Is there any way your husband would give up 50/50 custody and move? There's no way you can deal with a personality disordered person especially if they do not seek help. It's hard to treat even if they do get help. It's a life long struggle. Personality disordered people create problems. Your life won't run smoothly with one in it.
Also, the other option is for your husband to see her outside of your home most of the time. Is that at all possible? He's the one that decided to breed with her. Why do you and the kids have to be subjected to it? Maybe he could take her eowe and bring her to school or pick her up, take her to her activities, dinner etc. Instead of having overnights where it's your problem to deal with her.
Its unlikely that the 50/50
Its unlikely that the 50/50 will be changing anytime soon unfortunately. Even if DH said okay BM doesnt want full custody. He does want to move as soon as she graduates and I do find it unlikely she will follow us to wherever we move. But that's not for awhile.
she sounds like a great mom..
It’s your DH fault for letting this to happen
He should break off all contact with BM. Except pick up and drop off times. He should parent his DD to not be so nasty. Him not really doing anything except gaslighting you Is the real problem here. Only DH can fix this
Some of it was and hes had
Some of it was and hes had genuinely been trying to fix his mistakes. But he can only do so much. He can't stop BM from messaging my friends or stop her from being at the school. And he cant even fully stop SD because some things happen at school that we dont always know about until way later. And no matter what he does she also has BMs genetics and influence which seem to win out anywhere besides our home with us watching. SD does have her own free will too, shes not a programmed robot and sometimes the punishments she gets just make her sneakier instead of nicer.
I understand where you are
I understand where you are coming from and it's hard. We had custody of Spawn and I felt like there was no other option than divorce at one point.
What finally changed for me was I stood up for myself and I stood up to DH and stopped accepting his "poor me, I'm just trying to be the good guy" routine. After that a lot of things changed. I truly did stop caring about what Spawn and Meth Mouth were doing, because I dumped it all squarely at DH's feet. That last year with Spawn was a year of pure misery for DH because I was no longer the buffer. He had to face all his sh@t he had helped create and he didn't like it.
At some point you might drop all this on DH and leave him to deal with it, until you do it's going to continue to pile up and cause the anger and resentment.
I don't think I'd still be
I don't think I'd still be with DH if he hadn't been so good at shutting BM down and not taking any crap from SS. Once BM called my parents to try to reach DH because SS *thought* he had left homework at DH's place (pre-living together). Oh hell no. I was totally pissed off that she called my parents and told DH so - and he told BM never to do that again, period. My parents didn't even mind, but oh, I did. And that's just one of the ways that DH dropped the hammer on BM.
Your DH could tell BM that he knows what she's doing and to stay away from your friends, he absolutely could. Enough of that and it will be clear to her whose side he's on.
I dont think she has any
That's insane that BM called your parents!
I dont think she has any doubt who's side he is on, which is why shes now attempting another angle. I've been debating how to handle the friend thing (another thing I hate that I'm wasting time on her dumb *ss) and I think I'm just gonna let the chips fall where they may with it. If friend decides to hang out with her then I guess shes knocked down to acquaintance.
Just knowing BMs personality I'm pretty sure she is hoping she will get the angry call or message to stay out of our lives just so she can smirk that she got to me. From her POV I probably ruined her cozy life she had with DH being a scared little puppet to her while she ran around doing whatever she wanted with whoever.
I hate how I feel like I'm
I hate how I feel like I'm wasting half of my youngest 2 sons baby years waiting for her to leave.
In situations like this you have to do some real heavy soul searching…….if you feel BM & SD are ruining your life what can YOU do to change that? What are YOU willing to do and give up in order to claim and own your happiness? It’s not fair to your kids that although you are there in the physical, mentally you are not living your best life……you are just existing. Think about what this is modeling to your children. You can’t allow these two toxic people to take control of your life. I know you love your H….I get it..... but do you love yourself more to remove yourself from what no longer serves you?
You're way too right
You're way too right
I hate how I feel like I'm
I hate how I feel like I'm wasting half of my youngest 2 sons baby years waiting for her to leave.
I know exactly how you feel. I am also growing to hate stepparenting more with each passing day. You're not alone. A friend of mine once told me something that is becoming my mantra. She said there will be situations in life that get you down. You feel like you have no control and things will never get better. The sooner you can learn to compartmentalize the things you can't control and shove them to one side, the better off you'll be. And above all, remember: your sanity comes first.
You are a human being that has every right to a peaceful life. Do everything within your power to create that peaceful life and tell everyone else to get bent. Your sanity comes first.
I Too understand
deciding to be with Chef was no doubt one of, if not THE worst decisions of my life!
Vent away! I get it
Vent away! I get it completely. HC disordered people are the hardest to shake. You have to disengage. Ignore, ignore, ignore. I know it is easier said than done. I agree that your DH has to do better also. I know he is making some changes but it needs to be more. I know b/c my DH needs to also. I don't know if he is capable of that anymore and if he isn't the change will be me getting a divorce. We shouldn't sacrifice our lives for their failed first lives....
The last line is so true
The last line is so true
I know exactly how you feel.
I know exactly how you feel. Been there. Hated that BM had a little control in all aspects of my life. Except my son and her son went to different schools and we lived in different neighborhoods so I at least had that part of my life. But at the same time the distance in neighborhoods made another problem.
I went to counceling at one point because I had bad anxiety every other Friday just know that SS would be coming over for the weekend. It didn't really do much for me. The cost of counseling created another problem. He would go home and BM would grill him about our house and that pissed me off to no end. She would always email DH about what we do wrong (in her eyes).
It's good to vent here. The only thing I will recommend is for you to do things for yourself. Take care of yourself. You are not alone. Lots of us HATE being stepmom, hate skid, hate BM. Hang in there!
Also dealing with a BM with a
Also dealing with a BM with a personality disorder. can tell when she's off her meds. Then things go quiet for awhile and then boom! Back to dealing with crazy. It sucks. The only stress in my life comes from her and her kid. I feel you.
I married into a step
I married into a step situation where mental illness is present in both sides. My DH's people are loony, he grew up with a lot of instability, and he was drawn to and bred with TWO crazy women. The first 18 years of our marriage were a cycle of brief periods of normal punctuated with drama and crises.
I couldn't change the situation, but eventually I learned to change myself and manage my own life to benefit me.
It's very, very important to build in time and experiences that are healthy, fulfilling, and have zero to do with your H's kids, people, and problems. While ideally marriage is all about closeness and partnership, surviving dysfunction requires creating some separateness to preserve sanity, provide relief and sanctuary, and nourish the soul. That sounds hippy dippy and abstract, but basically I mean that you must develop other, positive interests and relationships to balance out the negativity of your H's baggage. Otherwise the darkness will overtake you and your bios. Imagine a teeter totter. His carp is taxing, draining and heavy on one side. What do you balance that with?
Make friends outside your school district. Go on Meet Up etc and find activities for yourself and your kids in the next town over. Create new traditions for just yourself and them like Library Thursdays or Ice Cream Tuesdays or Anything Can Happen Wednesdays. Find other activities for your kids and network to make friends through that. Look into volunteering, outdoorsy clubs, historical reenactment/ preservation, etc. Fill your lives up with the good stuff. It IS possible to love a man and disengage from his poo, especially if you don't want to leave him or just need to get through until the skids age out.
I can relate to every word of
I can relate to every word of your post. Although BM was never around, so that did make things easier. But I agree...It does and will get better. I came very close to leaving my husband. I truly felt like I was living a life that was insane. And putting my bios right in the middle. There were hard days and there were really hard days. I'm glad I stuck it out though.
What caused the change? Kids
What caused the change? Kids aging out?
Your situation is identical
Your situation is identical to mine. I feel your pain. The best you can do is disengage as much as possible; I know that's easier said than done.