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DH is still an idiot

Jcksjj's picture

DH hasn't seen SD in over 2 months. This was her choice (and partially because she went to visit her grandma), and last time she was here she wanted to leave right away.  DH now feels guilty and wants to take her out for her birthday. I can understand feeling guilty to an extent. But Logically, what sense does it make that your response to a kid who CHOSE not to see you, and lied about us not getting her any Christmas presents, is to make up for your guilt by bringing her to a fun place and buying gifts? I also wanted to meet up with her somewhere, and was fine with it being somewhere fun for her birthday, but it was in the interest of protecting our family from her lies.

He also can't accept that she doesn't give a sh*t about him even though she's made it abundantly clear. I mean, she flat out said she doesn't miss him at all. Not in a mean way either, just factual. He says he doesn't know if she actually misses him. Omg. And maybe she was lying about not missing him ever.


Caroline2b1211's picture

From my point of view, your SD is too young to decide not to see her father. 
If she doesn't want to come to your place, DH should offer to see her in a public place (coffee, park, etc..). But not in a special funny place. That's really bad habits to give. 
What was the story of her lies ? Do you have an idea why she doesn't want to come ? What can be her point of view ?

PS : just sent you a message

Dogmom1321's picture

Do we have the same DH?

SD11 always asks to leave our house early, or stay "extra time" at BMs. She never calls or texts DH. He hadn't heard from her in almost 2 weeks. So what does he say when he finally gets in touch with her? "I want to take you shopping for your birthday!!!" Yes, SD seemed happy for 0.5 seconds. Because she is materialistic. Then all of the rainbows and butterflies went away when the shopping was over. I think DH is coming around though. He sees he's being used and she only acts so "happy" when she is getting things. Sad but true. 

superlado's picture

Same situation over here. Just found out SS16 on Wednesday will be getting drivers Ed paid for for his bday. 

This kid has caused us to seperate homes due to his violent behavior (I have a 4 year old toddler and SS has hurt me and directed rage towards my toddler/his half sibling).   This kid has the maturity of an 8 year old and has been awful with little remorse but yea let's get him on the road.  I'm sure I'll be receiving way less money from my SO since SS has been back to full time with him after a year with moms (due to violent behaviors , pandemic, devastating fires in our neighborhood).  
These parents fear their own kids won't like them and not want to spend time with them ;so they spoil them.  But they couldn't care less about their spouses.  It's gross.  I'm sorry and commiserate.  

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

My SO is an idiot too. But since we have seperate finances and he can only see SDs outside my home. I don't really care what he does. I figured at some point he will get tired of being used and will give his hopes up if his kids miraculously turning back to normal human beings.