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I've came to the concussion that my BF thinks Im mean to his daughter... Which is far from the truth... He takes her cellphone away from her Friday for being a smart mouth and said she can't have it back tell Monday. But he wants to let her have it the next day Wtf! He askes me why shouldn't I give her phone back and I simply told him show her some tuff love and he said her mouth is getting bad huh and I agreed. And I told him to get her under control before you can't do Nuthin about it and he tells me I don't want to talk about it anymore. So I said ok. But god I've tryed so hard to do right by thos kid I've tried to give her guidance and explain different things to her that I didn't have to do I go out of my way to do thing and get things for her I try to make her feel like an equal. She's the one that wants to make up lies about me trys to get me and her dad to fight but yet I'm the one who's horrible,mean and a bitch! I make sure she has clean chlose to were to school I pick her up from school I make sure she has a hot meal but I'm always the bad person! She can have the biggest smart mouth I've ever seen she gets by with it but I get put down for having an attitude when I know he should get on to her she's far from perfect but on his eyes she does no wrong! Ugh sorry just needed to get that out lol...