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O/T - Migraines and Menopause, anyone have it like this?

ITB2012's picture

I thought I was done with menopause about six months ago. No hot flashes, sleeping better, etc. Yay.

Then I started getting migraines again (hadn't had one in a long time). I've had two (maybe three since a previous one could have been this now that it's happening more frequently) in four months. They aren't normal migraines and I cannot kill them with the meds the doc gave me (used to work, just take it and 20 min later I'm fine). Now it's lasting days, no meds kill it, my brain feels like its trying to hatch out of my skull, my neck is super sore/stiff, I am beyond nauseated and feel like I'm going to vomit all the time. Even if it starts to feel a bit better, there's a shooting pain somewhere in my head and things start over a bit. At least this time I can wash and comb my hair without crying (it hurt that bad last time). Oh and now I'm not sleeping well again and the hot flashes are nasty. WTELF?

Has anyone gotten anything like this? Is it a migraine? Is it something else?

I have a dr appt next week but the triage nurse said to go to urgent care/ER if it gets bad again. Not sure if I should go because it's really not stopped and it's been almost a week.


Chmmy's picture

Im 46. My hormone levels say Im peri menopausal. I gained a bunch of weight(I also wasnt eating right & working out as much). I felt sick all the time, migraine auras, nausea, fatigue. My daily life suffered. My uterus was enlarged. Ultrasound said it was the size of 9 weeks pregnant. I had biopsies and a surgery. Turns out I dont have fibroids or polyps as they thought. My enlarged uterus was just inflammation. When I first was misdiagnosed with fibroids I changed my diet and started exercising. My uterus shrunk to more like 6-7 weeks preganant. My migraines almost disappeared. I havent had one of those visual auras in over a year maybe 2. Ive also lost most of the gained weight...fancy that proper diet & exercise=weight loss.

I was already a vegetarian but I cut dairy also. Im mostly vegan other than eggs and occasionally if Im out I'll have something not 100% vegan. It seemed to help me a lot & Ive heard other stories of the same. My heavy periods have lightened up a lot too and instead of getting them ever 2-3 weeks I get them more like every 5 weeks. I love it.

Everyone is different but this helped me.

PS giving up cheese is hard

ITB2012's picture

I had a hysterectomy a few years ago due to a fibroid (also looked pregnant). I've gained weight but not a lot. I still avoid my migraine triggers.I exercise regularly (not like once a year regularly, but several times a week regularly) and mostly eat right.

I think I have something going on in my neck/shoulder that they just haven't listened to me over the years to diagnose. I think there's something structurally wrong in there.

Chmmy's picture

Ah. I thought you meant the migraines were caused by menopause. Yes a neck problem could cause migraine pain also.

Kes's picture

I had awful menopause symptoms - mainly hot flushes which responded to soya isoflavones (at least took the edge off) plus insomnia and night sweats. All this lasted about 5 yrs and has diminished a lot in the last 2-3 yrs where I am starting to feel normal again.  I would really recommend the support forum menopause matters, it is a British site but I think anyone can join.

thinkthrice's picture

yeah I used to think having periods was bad but HELL it's nothing compared to menopause!!!!

ITB2012's picture

My mom almost took me to the ER one time it was so bad. I slid down a wall while walking I was so weak and in such pain.

Other than these migraines, menopause has been easy compared to the start of puberty.

Siemprematahari's picture

Are you stressed? Is there something consuming your thoughts that are causing you to have migraines?

ITB2012's picture

Usually I get the migraine immediately after the stressor is over, so it's not from DS going off to college. Other stress is not over. The only thing I can think of that is my own stress-created situation to cause it is that now was my deadline to make a decision about my marriage. I am tired and don't want to think about it, especially with this migraine and general business. DH hasn't changed. Not that he has to, but he has said he would and it hasn't happened (the rudeness and thinking of me last, if at all). Things are calmer but just because I'm done trying.

HowLongIsForever's picture

Migraines can intensify during menopause due to the change in hormones, the thinking is that it's due to the drop is oestrogen. 

Continuous severe headaches that don't respond to medication (including OTCs but definitely prescription) should be taken seriously. 

If you are stressed, even if it is low grade but for an extended period of time, please keep an eye on your blood pressure.  Especially during these episodes.

ITB2012's picture

I did take my temp during the worst days and I had a low grade fever (2 degrees).

Its almost gone now, finally, and I did take my bp just now. Low just like always. 

thinkthrice's picture

on hot flashes.  I'm thinking of joining up.  I too had a TERRIBLE menopause!  I still go from hot to cold at a moment's notice.  I read that it can last between 5 and 15 years!  Even though my diet has improved, I'm still in the 15 year group I think.

ITB2012's picture

has had them for over 15 years now. I'm hoping that's not me. She said it's terrible. Her hot flashes haven't even gone down in strength.

Thumper's picture

Tell us more about the pain you feel. IS It isolated to 1 area. OR does it start at one place and zoom somewhere else.

Have you thought about going to a neurologist?

What I have learned is a proper diagnosis is key.

My experience going thru the change has been good to me, so far. Its been a few years now since I have started. I have friends who suffer a lot. Sad

ITB2012's picture

At the height of it, it was all over my head and neck except for probably my nose and mouth. Overall throbbing with the random zinger from the base of my skull/in my neck into my head. Though there were some particularly spectacular throbs in/across my forehead.

I saw a orthopedic specialist. Don't know that I've seen a neurologist. I'll ask at the appointment. I completely agree that a proper diagnosis is key. They diagnosed me with IBS a long time ago when it turned out to be a very odd allergy that I figured out and had the proof so I finally got the right diagnosis.

Which is why I'm coming to you all. I cannot "just" go to the doctor with the little population they have seen with symptoms and whatever happens to come to the front of their minds on the day I see them. The more ideas I can get, the more avenues I can explore to rid myself of these episodes.

thinkthrice's picture

in peri-menopause.  The stress of step Hell doesn't help either

  Oh and my digestion went to hell in a handbasket.  Felt like I had an undigested cannon ball in my stomach at all times. 

Thumper's picture

Thank you for telling us. I AM SO SORRY your dealing with this. Are you taking any seizure meds?


ITB2012's picture

No, I'm not on any seizure meds. Never have had a seizure. But I'm curious why you ask. Have you had some experience with seizures/meds for them and these kinds of symptoms?

Thumper's picture

They may be used for spasms.

 I do not personally have experience with migraines. But I do know of 3 people who have been prescribed it for 3 separate reasons...2 for above the neck medical concerns and 1 actually for stomach/bowl spasms.  Neurontin/Gabapentin same thing helps with various spasms. 

Here, I googled Neurontin and found the National Heache Foundation for you. I know you are looking for solution. I hope you are able to find the right doctor. IF one cant help keep looking. IF it were me, I would go to a neurologist if you can.

***please do not take this post as medical is not. Just shareing my experience and what helped people I know***

Thumper's picture

PS if you go to the link and click on the BLOG section. Looks like some good info, posts and blogs.