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inky2034's Blog

xmas gifts and step kids ho ho ho

inky2034's picture

I have a SD that's 24 and SS that's 30. My husband the bio dad to the SD and he adopted the SS at 4....The SS has nothing to do with him and doesn't speak. I am guessing a sign of support to the bio mom. The SD does come to our town 1 -2 times a year. basically around the holiday's as she finds time to pick up her Ipod ( gfit this year) and over 1000 dollars worth of clothes. She is overly attached to her Bio mom as I think she feels sorry for her mom and it appears the SS and SD have sided with their Bio mom. I get it. I really do but if I send emails.

gifts, step kids that have entitlement issues and bio mom issues- i am married with no kids......

inky2034's picture

I have a SD that's 24 and SS that's 30. My husband the bio dad to the SD and he adopted the SS at 4....The SS has nothing to do with him and doesn't speak. I am guessing a sign of support to the bio mom. The SD does come to our town 1 -2 times a year. basically around the holiday's as she finds time to pick up her Ipod ( gfit this year) and over 1000 dollars worth of clothes. She is overly attached to her Bio mom as I think she feels sorry for her mom and it appears the SS and SD have sided with their Bio mom. I get it. I really do but if I send emails.

gifts, step kids that have entitlement issues and bio mom issues- i am married with no kids......

inky2034's picture

I have a SD that's 24 and SS that's 30. My husband the bio dad to the SD and he adopted the SS at 4....The SS has nothing to do with him and doesn't speak. I am guessing a sign of support to the bio mom. The SD does come to our town 1 -2 times a year. basically around the holiday's as she finds time to pick up her Ipod ( gfit this year) and over 1000 dollars worth of clothes. She is overly attached to her Bio mom as I think she feels sorry for her mom and it appears the SS and SD have sided with their Bio mom. I get it. I really do but if I send emails.

Watching my husband take the crumbs from the SD is painful and makes me not like her yet she takes his money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

inky2034's picture

Both SK's stay 100 percent loyal to the BM and his son chooses not to talk at all to us! His daughter only when she wants husband pays 1/2 her rent, gas, cell phone bill, grocery's and she works full time... she's 24 and his son is unemployed yet gets supplemented by his BM ( are you not glad you are married to him) ...she does not get that she's hurting her two kids from growing on their own......all this behavior makes me not like either kid. The son will have nothing to do with my husband....we have tried to stay strong as a couple.