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This was funny!

imjustthemaid's picture

This morning I am in bed and BD4 comes in and squeezes in between me and DH. We go on to have this short but funny conversation:

Me: BD we have to get ready early today because we have to drive DD11 to school at 7:30.
BD4: Why?
Me: DD got a part in the school play and she is going to be the evil stepsister!
BD4: Oh just like SD!!

I looked over at DH and he didn't flinch so hopefully he just was not paying attention to what we were saying but I died laughing!! I guess this means I have to really watch what comes out of my mouth because this kid doesn't miss a damn thing!!

Last week DD came home screaching that she got the evil stepsister part so kidding around I said ok just channel your inner SD and you will do fine! Oops!


Onefootout's picture

Ha ha. But seriously, for all my griping here, I need to remember how hard badly behaved skids can be on the biokids and the 'ours' kids. And they don't have a support group like ST.

Thanks, needed the laugh!

imjustthemaid's picture

I feel bad because I always tell DD to just be nice to SD or ignore her if she is being mean to you but I know how hard it is to just be nice to her when she is being a major bitch. I do notice that when SD comes home we all scatter like bugs!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Go BD4!!! Smile Blum 3