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What? Are you serious? I mean come one.... lets grow up already!!!!!

imagr8tma's picture

DH goes to drop off SD on Sunday after his visit. They agreed to meet at 11 am. So DH gets there at 1030 and has brunch with SD will waiting for BM to get there.

BM shows up with her mother and sister - and The grandmother has the nerve to ask DH - Did he purposely get to the drop off location early to make BM look bad as if she was late.

Are you serious I mean come on - let's grow up. DH didn't want SD to be hungry on her way back home.

At any rate BM's mom then proceeds to ask DH why they have to go to court to settle things when they are both adults. To which his response was your daughter is taking me to court etc. She proceeds to tell him that BM did not file a thing and never changes anything - he always causes the drama.

So DH told her to come to the 9 Sept court date and see what the real deal is.

Just amazing. I guess BM's mom is just is ignorant and immature as BM is. The apple does not fall to far from the tree.

BM's sister (the mature one) stood back and basically just shook her head at them.


Amazed's picture

is grandma 8? too bad you can't just deal with BM's sister instead! How can she think DH would care enough about BM to try to make her look bad?? Sounds like he was just being a caring dad. Grandma needs to check herself before she opens her mouth like that.

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

imagr8tma's picture

It is a almost 2 hour drive back home.... I guess he should not have feed her at all... then it would have been something else.

She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!