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BM could not even wait until 1 Jan to act an ass......

imagr8tma's picture

DH gets a call from the Division of Child Support Enforcement - and BM wants to have another review done to attempt in raising the child support.

She tried this earlier last month with supposed medical expenses.... DH sent CSE the court orders (all three 2004, 2008 & 2009) which state BM has 60 days to hand over receipts and then 60 to get payment.
Well that took care of that.

Now CS worker says BM called her on 31 Dec yelling and screaming she is now due an increase.... and wants to press forward.

We are calling the lawyer and getting this handled in court. She is not supposed to go back for 3 years... and is now using Child Support Enforcement instead of her lawyer to try to get more money.

It is just damn crazy.... Then to top it off she sends DH a text today saying Happy New Year..... LOL!

She really is a piece of work - I tell you.

But we just laughed it off - we expected it this time. The new year was coming and I guess she is still mad or jealous. Who cares? It is so dang typical. I can just figure if she doesn't get the increase she is looking for - it will be some more bogus charges.

She is going to force us to sell our house, and move to NC...... that would be her worse nightmare then. But at least we would be able to there for SD and be able to participate in everything. AND SD would have a break from the constant foolishness at her mom's house.


Stick's picture

Imagr8tma.... don't the courts get sick of people like your BM that do this kind of stuff??

Honestly - I read blogs like yours and I realize how "easy" I have it. BM over here has a personality disorder,emotionally tortures her kid, and she is selfish and fighting DH right now in mediation (but only because she does not want to pay a lawyer and knows she will lose at this point.)

But she doesn't drag us into court once a year. I think she doesn't because she is afraid ... But I don't know...

But didn't the CSE worker get pissed off that she was wasting their time?

imagr8tma's picture

Stick - it is more than once a year. DH has been in court for one reason or another every six months dealing with BM. Her CSE workers gets tired but then she just asks for another one.

She is a piece of work i tell you. She is not happy with DH or the fact he got married to me.... So she drags him there between regular court and child support court.

Since 2008 - they have been in court 5 - 6 times. We thought the new court order dated Sept 2009 would have solved all the issues about the alienation and child support. Nope 1 Dec she was filing for medical expenses... that was cleared up and now 1 Jan she is filing for a increase....... (Jokes on her though - DH only got a 1.7% increase - it will be dismissed as well.)

She is just using the courts to get under DH's skin....

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************