SD being sent to BMs parents but Really going to see her SO
So a month or so ago, BM tells DH that she would like to send SD16 to Denver to see BMs parents. SD is Currently doing a summer program because she failed a class (got D's for the rest..barely passing ). DH said she should not be able to go on trips as she has another trip scheduled in September (Hawaii with a friends family). BM once again said 'well she tried and it's to see family..'. BM always downplays any situation. We knew the date of when SD was leaving (today)..and received the trip itinerary from BM. Well dummy sent us an incorrect itinerary, failed to tell us that SD16 has 2 layovers each way! Now, why in the world would you send this kid that has ADHD and can't remember to shower/eat without being told...across the country by herself with 2 layovers?!? So DH was furious but can't say anything because at the time the flight info was given to us, she was in the sky. He was also a bit upset that she did not even say 'bye'-'I've landed'-nothing. (She updates BM every 10minutes when we take trips..just saying)
to make matters worse, we find out from my daughter that this trip was planned by SD during this particular time because her 'significant other' (whom she met online and has only met in person once..) is going to be in Denver the same time!!...So once again she has manipulated BM to do something, with other motives. Although in all fairness, sometimes BM just goes with it and agrees and omits the truth from DH....
DH is possed and I'm obviously annoyed...but it is what it is. It's been 10yrs of BM doing things like this and it isn't going to change. I just sit back..and enjoy no SD for the next week...
- hregal2011's blog
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Why in the world would you
Why in the world would you send this kid that has ADHD and can't remember to shower/eat without being told...across the country by herself with 2 layovers?!?
That's easy - it was probably the cheapest and most convenient flight for BM. And SD, who is probably anxious to see her SO, is motivated to get there. That will be more important to her than showering.
Enjoy your time without SD!
I have had to fly three times in the last 6 weeks for
work and then leisure, but have flown a lot in my 27 years of life, but HATE when I have one layover, let alone two. This past weekend I had a layover in the Dallas Forth Worth airport and that airport is HUGE and not easy to navigate if you have never been there because the signage in my opinion is not the best. I can't imagine being 16 and trying to navigate for 2 layovers and hope that there are no delays or cancellations, etc.
There are limited flights now, but I agree it was probably the cheapest flight to do 2 layovers instead of direct or 1 layover.
I mean I get that it was
I mean I get that it was cheaper.. and the question was more rhetorical...I just know I would pay to get a direct flight for my kid. But I agree..she will get there hell or high water to see SO.
I will definitely enjoy my time w/o her though..
I will say direct flights right now to basically
anywhere is very very very hard to come by. Flights are also very very very full too, so I know of people who have waited to check in until last minute getting bumped from their flight because they were the last to check in. Flying is just a mess right now.
Enjoy your time without her though for sure!
SD is was doing a summer
SD is was doing a summer program. Is it finished? Online?
Hawaii in September. Isn't there school then?
Nope the program isn't
Nope the program isn't finished. It's online and basically consists of is a couple things you need to redo to get a D and pass.
yes. Hawaii in September, in her senior year..nothing important going on *eyeroll*
So BM basically arranged a
So BM basically arranged a hookup for her teenage daughter who's giving a substandard performance at her one job - student. Niice.
Hopefully you and your H are on the same page, and will not be supporting or housing his daughter when she's an adult.
I know! DH and I are on the
I know! DH and I are on the same page about this. Its just so ridiculous. And we have a strict requirement for any kids that want to live at home-either college full time or work full time (and then after 1 yr it's time to fly..) I'm positive she won't be able to do either of these things and in all honesty I think the moment she turns 18...she will not come over for the w/e visits.
A parent that pimps their under age kid out for hook ups is...
well... a pimp.
And a POS.