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HereWeGoAgainRoundTwo's Blog

Do I REALLY want this as my life..?

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I am 24, a mother of a sweet one year old girl, am divorced from a terrible father of two(neither child mine and my daughter from a man I was dating for the majority of 2014). I have been dating my boyfriend since early November and I really like him. We are complete opposites on most topics, which never really bothers me it's mostly just annoying because his traits that make him opposite do not annoy me like mine do to him. He's an army vet, and I'm a free spirited artist. His daughter is over two and a half and oh my gosh I have never met such a brat.

Round Two is always worse

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So I was married to this AHole with two wonderful young boys. I left his cheating butt. Fast forward two years. I met a great man who is just perfect. The only downside is that he has this little girl who is exactly like the SDs I would see everyone talking about on here. She's bratty, so jealous that she cannot stand for he and I to even hold hands or cuddle or kiss she has to have him stop and do whatever we were doing and do it with her. Pisses me off so badly. Omg.