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OT-soon to be homeless thx to crazy mil

herewegoagain's picture

We moved here because mil offerred a rental house w/no rent paying (usually 350)...we have had to spend an arm & a leg for it to be the tropics, no fans, ac, one full size bed for us 3, window screens torn, no hot water, no working stove, no fridge, ants everywhere, termites in only closet, no bedroom doors...

We still pay water/electricity for her house, ours & other rental house she has...we are now forced to put our dog in kennel when we go out because they claim she barks too much...she has 4 dogs that poop everywhere, bark all night, our dog got parasites from her yard being so filthy, she yells at our som for chasing the dogs or cat, anything that breaks she blames our son (who has never even broken my iPhone or anything in our house), and we mow her 5+ acres for free, basically a new complain every day..,my dh today told her off because she constantly complains...we have no money & can't stay there anymore.,,


andy_pandy's picture

I understand the sentiment of your comment but it's a bit harsh don't you think? So they trusted the in-laws, if you can't trust your family to have your best interests in mind then who can you trust?

andy_pandy's picture

Sorry that this just doesn't seem to have worked out for you at all. Did you manage to save any money while you were there? That could be used to pay a bond on a new place.

herewegoagain's picture

I don't much mind the harsh comments...but also appreciate the understanding...

My husband does have a job...but just in January we spent 5k bringing our car down here...spent 400USD on our dog in February when she ended up sick. We still have to pay our movers 3,900 & another 5k for our second car...2nd car is needed to take my kiddo to therapies...because they claimed this was a rental house w/everything we didn't expect it would be so run down & filthy that we'd have to spend so much to make it husband had stayed in the same rental 6yrs ago for a bit and it was not in such poor condition.

We did not expect to get anything free, thus the reason we agreed to pay all utilities while there...problem is she gave us utility bills from December in January when we had not even been living there. Also she has a daughter who is 31 living w/her and was looking for a house...once she saw we were fixing up the place she agreed that she could live there instead ONCE WE MOVED OUT...we bought a cheap futon/tv table, etc & figured once we moved into a house we would not need it & she could keep it since we have all our furniture w/the movers...I think they are just making stuff hard on us so that their daughter can move in, since she's now excited w/the fixing up we've done.

Funny that daughter is from current marriage & 3 other kids from first marriage she does nothing for...but expected ME to give extras & pay cs for DH's first daughter when he didn't have a job or I made 3-4 times his salary until 18mos ago...

But yes, we are moving out...we were naive to think she was truly sorry for the previous heartache she caused us...and that was why she offered...stupid us. We had other places at the time we could've gone to, but thought this would be an opportunity to also make amends and start fresh...stupid us...

If anything it has made my DH & I closer as he stands up for us, where his mother always portrayed herself as a victim and "brainwashed" him that kids should always agree/support their mother no matter how crappy a mother treated was PAS at its best for 39yrs...and it has now come to an end.

My DH will no longer feel guilty for having a good job as a result of my sacrifices for him & our family...and she will no longer be allowed in our house when we move. BTW DH now says we are taking everything we bought for the crappy house. Wink