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OT-maybe DH gets why I don't care about his daughter because he also doesn't like the same type of

herewegoagain's picture

For years DH thought I was horrible for not liking how his daughter was behaving or how she was being raised. He also complained about me and his family. Sunday we had a nice get-together with his co-workers who are SO MUCH LIKE ME and SO LITTLE like his daughter and the rest of his loser family. My DH had a great time, some of our nice neighbors even commented on how nice our friends/co-workers were, as they are not snobby but in comparison to many here, know how to behave, are just classy people. Funny, DH used to think I was such a witch before, but he has now grown accustomed to dealing with different people than the idiots he grew up with...and well, that includes his daughter. I think truly he has disconnected because he would be horribly embarrassed for anyone to know that is actually his kid. You see, the women/men we deal with don't dress like sluts or act like macho pimps...vs. DHs crappy family and loser kid. I think he has truly just put that behind him and if his daughter cannot learn to act like a normal human being, while he still loves her, he will not allow her to ruin "his reputation". Yep, it sounds horrible...heck, we have an autistic kid who is not perfect by any means...but he is still polite, etc...and I truly think the turning point for my husband was when he realized how much nicer his new friends/neighbors/co-workers were and how absolutely crazy and low class his daughter turned out to be. Well, that's what he gets for marrying the loser mom and getting her preggo, but whatever.


herewegoagain's picture

We're not snobby by any means, actually, most of our friends complain that "we don't ask favors of them" and that we give too much of ourselves and they just don't expect it. We just know how to behave. Period. She doesn't...and sadly, neither does her daughter.