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OT - anyone looking to feel Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

herewegoagain's picture

I have to say that for the last couple of years I seem to always get sick vs. before...I have told my DH many times we need to change our eating habits, but being a manly man lol, he always said "sure, you can do it yoursel". Well, we watched this movie a week ago and my husband is hooked. We have changed what we eat in just a week, although we do not follow this regimen to a T, ie. no fasting, etc...and I have to say I have NEVER IN MY LIFE had as much energy as I do now...My husband is ALSO super happy. He is normally worthless after 6-7PM if we have worked the weekend, etc...and he has so much energy he couldn't stop cleaning and doing things around the house last night lol In addition, once we finally fell asleep at around 1130PM, we woke up this morning without even an alarm clock 100% refreshed. I promise you, that it will change your life. I cannot believe it and if someone had told me before, I might not have believed it.

Believe me, I have NOTHING to gain from can watch this movie on Netflix for free...please, do yourselves and those around you, especially your kids a great big kiddo is in love with his smoothies now...the greener the better lol

PS - my son is not on a diet or anything similar, but we have incorporated a huge variety of foods that he would have never eaten before


misSTEP's picture

Thank you for posting this. I will definitely watch it later.

It's funny the timing on this. My husband and I have just made the correlation between feeling horrible and the massive amounts of SUGAR we have been consuming. He was drinking the equivalent of THREE 2-liter bottles of soda A DAY - not to mention the beer at night.

I was drinking cappacinos in the morning and soda in the afternoon AND hitting the vending machine instead of eating a REAL lunch.

One week of cutting all this crap out of our diets and I feel SO much better! Not to mention the mood swings and energy slumps have gone WAY down.

Jsmom's picture

Haven't seen this, but about three years ago had pnuemmonia bad enough to be hospitalized for fluids stemming from a upper respiratory infection from Allergies. After talking to a doctor and reading articles about the benefits of local honey, I started with a tablespoon a day and then to a teaspoon a day and have not had a cold or anything, let alone allergies in over two and a half years. Must be local honey within 5-10 miles of your home and you have to be consistent. Now I only do it every two or three days. If I feel just run down I put it in tea and on toast and within hours I am fine.

I can't believe it works, but my husband has seen it now and he does it. His allergies are not totally gone, but they are about 25% of what they were. Now, he is downing the stuff to stop the fall allergies here in GA.

No one believes me, but, I know I have never been healthier.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I've done this for years and DH started doing it when we met 5 years ago and his allergies are not nearly as severe as they used to be.

Jsmom's picture

Is he consistent? That was DH's problem. He would do it for a week and then forget. I work from home and have it in my tea everyday and that is what I swear made it work...Now it has become fun to get the honey as close to the house as I can....

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I just found it on Hulu.

I eat clean I only eat chicken, fish, veggies, 1 fruit a day and seeds and nuts. But, my Step-shits eat terrible. Maybe they will watch it.

Thanks for the tip OP.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I watched the documentary on 9/24/2012. That day I went out and got a Ninga blender and all the ingredients for the green smoothie and have been doing them since.

OMG! I LOVE them. I feel better, my skin is glowing and gorgeous. I cannot recommend doing them enough. I've also dropped the last 5 lbs I've been trying to get off for the past 8 months.

Tonight I made one for dinner. It was deeeeelish!

3 Cups Spinach
3 celery Stalks
1 Fennel Heart
1 Golden Apple
Large slice of Ginger
1 1/2 Cup of water


Thank you so much OP!