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FDH and BM Fighting

helena_brass's picture

We had the kids this weekend. It was actually a great weekend, and FSS was particularly sweet with me. All was well, or so we thought.

Sunday night FDH and I were cooking dinner when BM called. He answered and the first words out of her mouth were "You need to get your f--king house bombed." BM claims that FSD's back is covered in bites, which she noticed while she was giving her a bath. FDH didn't say much, but they hung up quickly. He was very quiet, meaning he was very angry. I said that I doubted she was covered in bites, and asked if FSS had any. FDH was still being quiet. He went into the next room and called BM back. All I heard was him ask if FSS had any bites, a pause, then him yell "F--k you bi--h" and hang up. I guess when he asked if FSS had any bites she said "No, but that's three strikes motherf--ker, you're going back to court."

FDH was really, really angry for a while and I just let him go smoke and be angry on the porch. He finally came back and apologized, but he said he is tired of fighting with this woman. After four years, what more does she want from me? Three strikes, what am I, a criminal? Who the hell has she been talking to to even get these ideas? Why does she have to turn everything into a court battle? I'm so done playing with her.

Let me rant a bit, because I didn't to FDH....
- Okay, first of all, way to start off a conversation lady. Seriously, if she had some bite marks, how about talking about it without immediately starting an argument?
- Secondly, I highly doubt that she was "covered" in bites. She was with us all weekend and she never complained about bites (and kids ALWAYS make a fuss about itchy bites), and I never saw her scratching. Also, BM is a major hypochondriac; she sends the kids over with medicine when they "seem" sick (which they are not). Our house is very clean. We do have cats, and I use the Advantage on them monthly. I won't guarantee that they have zero fleas, but I seriously doubt that there's enough to cause a nuisance let alone harm to anyone. And I just washed the kids' bedding last week.
- Thirdly, FSD just took a shower Sunday morning. I know she's come over before after days of not showering, so why the heck did she need two in one day? Do you have an issue with my shampoo or something? Also, FSD is 9 years old. She does not need you to give her a bath.
- Finally, how in the hell does this constitute anything you could take to court? Do you just love filing pointless paperwork and having your mom pay the lawyer's retainer? FDH pays every time, on time. FDH is a GOOD father and he would do anything for the kids; the kids respect him and he teaches them good values. They eat healthy meals at our house, brush their teeth, shower, have clean clothes, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. The kids never complain about being at our house, even when they're upset; I've never heard them say they want to go to their mom's house in a moment of anger (though I have heard them beg to stay longer with their dad). What exactly is there that she can complain about? What does she want? Why is there such a giant stick up her anus?

Sorry, I just don't understand why this woman thinks FDH is so horrible that he deserves to be in court all the time.

FDH said he is tired of bending the rules to make it easier, because even though he's doing it for the kids she is completely taking advantage of it. No more taking the kids out of the county without his permission (that's in the papers). No more going to grandma's on FDH's weekends. No more pick-up/drop-off at BM's house or BM's BF's house--public places only. And FDH said he's going to ask for a CS reduction. He might get it too, considering his financial situation has changed significantly. If anything, maybe it will scare her. Too bad it won't scare her into working a job. That would take an act of God.


Willow2010's picture

UGH! I know this is easier said than done…but he needs to laugh when she says things like this. He needs to ignore it as best as he can.

BM used to do crap like this also. It stopped when DH stopped engaging her. That was the only way. Now don’t get me wrong…he back slid every now and then, but mainly just ignored the drama and she stopped the drama since she got no reaction.

Oh and next time she starts cussing at your DH…tell DH to say this.... "Helena and I no longer cuss and I would appreciate it, if you did not use that kind of language in front of me again.” It will drive her bonkers because it makes her look small for cussing. DH just has to be sure to not cuss at her anymore either. Lol. I know…easier said than done.

helena_brass's picture

I know, and I agree. Unfortunately, FDH has a very short fuse with BM and I have a pretty difficult time getting him to calm down after things like this. He is aware that the threats are baseless, but he hates being threatened period. It scares me when I have to remind him not to let her ruin our evening/week/relationship because he is just so overcome with anger. I don't know if he has it in him to ignore her so calmly.

Furthermore, I'm quite sure that this woman will not quit, even if he attempts to ignore her. She is quite relentless, though I don't really understand why.

shielded2009's picture

He sounds like my DH...He used to get so FURIOUS that he'd scream and yell...

He ended up going to anger management for help...

He had to learn to separate SD from BM...He didn't understand that what she was doing was PURPOSELY to get at him and that she was using SD in that way...It made sense to me, but for was a real grey area...

Now, DH doesn't care what she says or thinks...and that makes BM furious...She's even attacked him (and went to jail) on the 17th baseless trip to court. He totally unplugs...and she hates that he's so even tempered with her now...

BUT it has made our lives so much better...I can't tell you how peaceful our house is as a result...

OH...and when DH first started parallel parenting (something he just does...BM has no clue that he's actually parallel parenting), and wouldn't answer her calls/texts, BM started sending SD over with some nasty comments, so DH had to institute a "don't say a word about your mother...period" rule. That was the ONLY way to keep BM out of the house...

Once SD said to me in confidence..."My mom is mad that daddy said I can't say anything about her when I visit...She says it's mean and not right"...I just said..."Oh...really...that's nice..." and kept it moving...I didn't care and didn't give the conversation any life...

shielded2009's picture

That's when you stop trying to co-parent and just parallel parent...Seriously...

FDH should try it...

My DH parallel parents...He only communicates with BM via text...ONLY...She used to call to scream and cuss...He started ignoring her calls...Then she'd text her rants...He ignored them...Then she started getting crazy at drop offs...DH had the judge change the drop off/pick ups to the police station (unless DH picked her up from which case it was put in the CO that she could not be there)...

DH went through a lot of the "I'm taking you back to court" foolishness and was nervous and afraid, until he got tired of it...and told her to do what she wanted...and she did...17 times over a 3 year period...What did it get her? Threats of jail time from the judge who was tired of seeing them and tired of her baseless issues...And it got DH an extra day with his daughter...

He should be parallel parenting...

helena_brass's picture

Wow, 17 times in 3 years? That scares me. Despite the fact that it ultimately got her nowhere, it frightens me because I think that would drive FDH crazy. What makes some people do these things?

I will definitely talk to him about parallel parenting. It sounds like the best direction. Thank you.

cant win for losin's picture

Oh man i feel his pain. But BM cant fight with someone who isnt there. And poor DH has to not be there. It took me years to look at my situation similar to that with my ex. The rants, the threats, etc..
Finally i started to "not be there" i stated firmly and calmly once to exH what i would do if he continued to rant and i would do it.
He call ranting, swearing, yelling, i would say "if you cant talk to me calm w/o swearing im hangin up." And i would. Everytime! In person, cant talk to me calm, im leavin. And i would.
I had to say to myself, really what is he gonna do, honestly? Tell the judge i hung up during his fit of rage?! I knew i was a good mom. My kids were not neglected or abused, so what and why would the courts take anything away? They wont.
Still frustrating yes. But alot less when you dont listen to it or even read the texts.
It got soo bad i had to tell a friend to read my text and ONLY tell me if there is anything important about my kids. If not, delete it.
I refused to give my ex power over me anymore, and getting mad and fighting back with him did that.

skylarksms's picture

They feed off the drama. It's like little kids, if they can't get POSITIVE attention...they will go for NEGATIVE attention because it's still attention.

When BM can get your FDH so riled up, she knows she has him. The opposite of love is NOT is indifference.

BM used the same tricks on my DH. She knew that he was afraid of getting the cops called on him so that was her ace in the hole when she couldn't get her way. She'd figure out something he did "wrong" and threatened to call the cops (or take him to court). It wasn't until she took him to court the last time (and got a $500 Contempt of Court), that she quit taking him to court constantly.