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Don't take out your frustration on your husband....

happy mom's picture

Ladies, I wanted to just share with you what I've been through. Just thought it might help with what our next decision will be, what ever it might be. Since I was 12, my parents always argued about everything, at that time I didn't really know what was going on except that I know my mom just truly hated my father. I didn't know what exactly the reason why because they would fight about everything. As a child, I heard and saw everything that went on between them. I grew up each year, very sad about the whole situation and there was nothing I could do but bare the burden on my shoulders that my parents hate each other. I believe it affected me deeply inside and this sadness stuck with me deeply in my heart. I'm now 32 yrs old and my parents never got a divorce and til today they still fight. Because I'm older now, I realized now that it was my mother that started all the fights and she was the instigator of it all. It is still bad today, she grumbles about little stupid things. When I'm around and I hear her starting a fight, I just tell her to stop it. It has affected me til today, I notice that I take out my frustration on my husband and it's not him, it's me! I now realize that I'm following my mother's example. I love the both of them very much but it's very sad to see them not get along, it's like it should have been better off that they were divorced, at least they can live their life with happiness. I think they only stuck together because of the children. It's good that I know that I'm doing that, so I can control it from here on. To make this story short, pls be aware of your actions around your children, they'll follow you too.


Sherrylyn's picture

Parents fight. When it happens, be it behind closed doors or in front of others, children sometimes feel that it's caused by them.

I know that my husband has had my rath unleashed upon him. My frustration was based in the fact that I could listen to him go on about work, but he didn't want to hear about my work or even things important to the boys. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, I just didn't like the inequity.

It doesn't matter what the trigger is, we are our own worst critic. We need to give ourselves a break too. Even with our best efforts we may behave in a way that we later regret. Just work on what you think is important, and when you look back you wont find yourself with regrets. It sound like you have a good hold on that.