I had a date on Friday night with....my SKID!
So there was this concert playing (a tribute to an old singer) that I love and so does my OSS. DH isnt a big fan of said singer, whereas OSS and I are. So when I heard about this tribute I really wanted to go. And since I knew DH wasn't going to be a lot of fun, I looked at my OSS and said "Hey, feel like going on a date with me?" He of course looked at me funny and asked what I was talking about. When o told him what it was I wanted to do, he said "sure! That sounds fun!"
And so, my SSstb15, who we have had issues with, who has caused me a lot of heartache and tears and sadness, joined me for an evening. We went to dinner, just him and I. And then the concert. Got some refreshments during intermission. We smiled and laughed and talked and just had a fantastic time. We got home, and in the driveway he gave me a big hug and a kiss in the cheek and said, "hanging, this was great. I had an awesome time. Thank you." Melt my heart.
See my OSS and I had a pretty good relationship in the beginning. And then his BM started to see just how much he cared about me. And started her hate/slander campaign against me. And MIL, who favors OSS and uses him as her shoulder to cry/lean on saw how close we were and didn't like it either...and started her own campaign and then also joined forces with BM. That kid has been a handful and caused so much tension, so many fights, so much drama and made me want to call it quits many times in the last 12-18 months.
Somehow, some way he started to see the campaign against me. He started to see through his mother's bullshit. He started to see that grandma wasn't being fair and causing issues too. He started to SEE what these women were really doing. And he started changing. I noticed things were changing about a month and a half ago. Slowly, but yet quickly at the same time. All of a sudden it was big changes. Holding conversations and discussing what was said and me hearing he was defending not just his dad but ME. Remarks like "hanging, you're always at my games. Thanks. My mom doesn't make it, but somehow you always do." Or "my mom said some dumb things this weekend. And I told her that that's not what you do/did/ etc". I could see the kid he used to be coming back. The funny kid with the big smile. The kid who loves to get hugs and snuggle up on the couch and watch Law & Order, or NCIS, or just a movie with me while we chat and snack on popcorn. The kid who didn't look like he was always trying so hard to reject me or anything I did. That kid that just wanted to be loved and love. I've missed that kid. But he seems to have found his way back.
So yes, I went on a date with my skid. I had a fabulous time. I hope he takes me out (or I guess I should say lets me take him lol) again. It seems I may have gotten my son back. It feels good.
AND...BM, you may have thought you won, and you may still be winning with YSS, but it is looking like although a battle or two you won, I am winning the war. Why? Because I love that kid, he's not a pawn, I never wanted to be his mom, just his stepmom. Just another person to love him and experience his life with. I've only ever wanted the best for him. And your tactics seem to be failing.
- hangingbyathread6's blog
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Ah...whenever we do something
Ah...whenever we do something special with a kid we call it date night. It's just what we do. Because it's usually something special and we get dressed up and such. And it's one on one time with whichever kid. There are five of them so one on one events don't happen often. If my ex or my DH take the girls somewhere its called "date night". Heck if I take my girls somewhere we call it date night, lunch date, shopping date...whichever.
I used to have "date night" with my dad too. It is just what we call it when it's something special. I see nothing wrong with it. So although I appreciate your input...not going to change it.
Wow... Really glad for
Wow... Really glad for you...really jealous too lol
Just keep doing what you're doing...you'll get the other one back too...must feel amazing, good for you!
^^^^^^^^^^^^ You just
^^^^^^^^^^^^ You just described Sd18 to a TEE!
I've heard what a bitch Sasquatch is and that she's a drunk, and fucks any man that moves. (from Sd18 and SD23)
And then I heard from Sasquatch I'm mean to my DH and SD and I never let DH be with his friends (From SD18). LOL
OP I hope your SS is genuine because it sounds like a great thing to have a skid that respects you.
Oh it's been a rough road
Oh it's been a rough road with skid. We had a great relationship but when DH and I moved us all in together and got engaged and married, BM amped up the hate campaign. SS went through counseling this summer and really worked through a lot of issues and felt he could talk freely. Which was good. And BM told him that his dad keeps him from her to control her and hurt her, but then when he asked what the result of the custody case she filed was he was informed the JUDGE decided that is was still in the boys best interests to stay with my DH and I. And she didn't step up and do the other things she promised them she would do. And he caught her in lies. He no longer covers for her or tries to defend when she doesn't do what she's supposed to, or lets them down again, or doesn't show for something. He no longer ignores me if she is in the vicinity. On the visitation time he has with his mother, he will walk right up and talk and greet both DH ad I. He will give me a hug after his games when I say good job, even with his mom standing right there. He wanted to go to his mother's and get his new pants, shirt and tie she bought him for hockey dress up because he hadn't worn them yet, I told him he had to talk to his mom because she sent a text to DH saying she bought you clothes but they are staying at her house, you'll just have to wear the ones you have here and get to ue the new ones when you have a hockey game while at her house for the weekend. He said "but I go from her house like TWICE all season. They're my clothes, why can't I have them?" He asked her if he could get the dress clothes outfit she bought because he has a hockey game and he really wants to wear those new ones (he would only wear them twice from her house throughout the whole season) and she immediately jumped on about DH and I and "They can't tell you you have to get your clothes from here. I bought those clothes. They can buy you some, they are staying here, don't let them make you call me about it" and we were standing right there, and skid said "They are not making me call you. I have some here, I WANTed to wear the new ones you bought me. They aren't telling me to do anything, I'm the one who wants the clothes, and I just don't understand why I can't have them?" She of course backed down then and let him have them, but my point is he isn't listening to what she says anymore when she tries to drag down DH or I.
Now YSS, that's another story. He's still blindly following what mother says...
Well my SS and I had a great
Well my SS and I had a great relationship from age 11-12/13...then with the addition of teenage years and hormones, moving in together and getting married to put BM into a tail spin and then MIL on top of it trying to poison things because I was "taking away her boys" it went to hell. He will be 15 in a month and it's only been in the last two where he has come back around and started to see just what is really going on. Not sure if it's the age, the fact that he is in highschool, his relationship with my daughters, the therapy, or a combination of all of it...but I'm just happy to be where we are now.