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Confused... wait, maybe not

h7's picture

I nearly posted something about my step dad... that maybe I misunderstood him all these years & he just wanted to make that house his home & get some respect.

But then I remembered a lot of the ways I tried to give him what he wanted & he was still an ass. Like always putting me down. He'd accuse me of not being able to accomplish something, & when I proved him wrong he'd gripe at me like it wasn't good enough. Or when I'd try to connect, he'd sabotage it. Or he'd accuse me of being worthless & lazy after I busted my ass all day cleaning a house that he made messy.

You know what? Nevermind. I didn't misunderstand him. He's an ass.

At least, for the most part, we get along a lot better now. The other day he had my disabled mother go out to his vehicle & get his things out of there for him. And since she's disabled she needed my help. I gave him the dirtiest look. That stuff is like nails on a chalk board for me, but my mother lets him get away with it. She stands there saying "sure, we'll get your things for you" when all I want to do is say "be a man!!!" You know, if he'd just ask nicely, I'd help him out gladly.


Tired2's picture

I read this and I swear it sounds like my life all over. My dad is just an ass....plain and simple. He talks down to my mother and treats her like his servant. It infuriates me to no end! My husband has even commented on it when we go to visit. I ALWAYS jump down his throat because well....I'm bigger than he is, I'm a grown woman and I don't respect him at all. He's gotten better in his old age mostly because he had a quadruple bypass and realized how close to death he was. He's still like that to a certain degree but my mom has finally started telling him to kiss her butt. She's gotten a lot more independant in her old age.

I think it's the men of that era...they are just natural shit heads. They were raised where their mom stayed home and dad worked. A lot of them (like my dad) had to quit school early to help with the family. I don't know what it is....but I swear you live my life!

Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile