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SS was not at work for days because of his bad back...

giveitago's picture

His back did not stop him doing other stuff? Just checked the bank and it's in the hole by $40 so DH went upstairs and confiscated the card. Kudos to DH! SS just says 'I didn't mean to!' but he knows damn well that if he gets gas it shows a $1 charge to be amended once it's processed. DH set the account up for him when he was in school, for his checks etc. DH let him borrow money to get him to work until payday, by putting it on that card, which is attached to our account, and this is not the first time he's gone over and put it in the red. DH had to 'have enough' before he did something? I would rather have nipped that right in the bud, let him take a second job to sustain his vehicular expenses! He changes his vehicles like he changes his socks! This time it's 'the truck of his dreams' and we get to pick up the isurance, the phone bill and keep him? I guess I will not be getting any rent money this week? It's too much, DH has had enough this time I reckon.


NCMilGal's picture

I hate that "I didn't mean to!" shit. So, you think that because you "didn't mean to!" that I'm going to stop and say, "Oooooh, he didn't MEAN to (say something hurtful, do something stupid)!! Well then, it's all okay. Let's go out for ice cream!" Seriously, I'm not here just to bitch and blame - I'm informing you that this behavior is unacceptable and you had better pull your head out of your ass.

DH does this shit (although after I flipped my lid on him about five times, he's mostly quit) and so does SDstb17. I blame BM, but then, I always blame BM.