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ginny's Blog

What to do now??

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Have a DH got custody of his son last year, then BM went on the war-path, and has been trying to get him back, she took us to court, and the judge was/ is considering it, saying to us that the order was only temp.... Well SS has been wanting to go back to BM many rules at our home, BM has done a good "brainwash" job on him as he's been tough to live with lately...he's 13, tough age, and has been subjected to alot of drama. My DH is supposed to go to court on Aug 9- for the judge to tell us where SS is going to live...

Meet Virginia.....

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Hi everyone, have some pretty strange news to share, not sure if this has ever happened to anyone before, but it's so bizzare , I have to share.....OK, My husbands ex has done everything she can to make my life she wants to steal it. She has stolen my identity, and is using it in a sick way to "get me". Now their are some similarities in us, and that is a huge downfall, the biggest one is our names, mine is Michelle(Meshel) & hers is Shelley.....that often gets mistaken and is a pain in the @*!