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Gia's picture

Do you think Nightlights in general are OK for kids?

I seem to have a problem with them... for some reason...

Well SD5 and BS1 share a room, and he doesn't go to sleep unless is dark, otherwise he will stay playing...

SD5 sometimes claims that she is "scared of the dark", DH bought her a nightlight and I do not agree with that, I think children should sleep in the dark...

BS will be gone for about a month, and I don't want her to get used to the nightlight, and then have BS come back and not be able to sleep with light...

PLUS, I do not want him to get used to sleeping with lights on ANYWAY...



mystiery's picture

Maybe you can get SD5 a glow worm. They are kind of like night lights but not as bright or permanent. She can squeeze it when she feels she needs a little bit of light and your BS hopefully should not be bothered with a constant light on.

LotusFlower's picture

that's a great idea...this way the one who needs the light can have it without lighting up the whole room

"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"

Sasha's picture

I don't see the harm, especially if it makes her feel a little more secure. Heck, sometimes I'M even afraid of the dark! Well, okay not really, but I do keep a nightlight on in my bathroom.

melis070179's picture

I have nightlights in my bathrooms & my kids way would my older son sleep without one. Efven if you get your son used to sleeping without one, in a few years when kids start developing their "monster" fears, he's gonna ask for one. I don't know any kids who do not develop these fears around the age of 2-3 yrs old. I don't see any hard in them...I think this is one thing you will just have to let go of since they share a room.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Wicked2Three's picture

I have nightlights because I'm afraid of tripping over crap in the middle of the night! LOL Purely a safety issue on my part.

I do like the glow worm suggestion or just get her a flashlight. I think there are some touch lights that don't heat up too much and go off after a certain period of time.

Not the mama's picture

My BD3 does not use a night light in her room. It causes her to stay awake and play. I do have a nightlight outside of her room in the hallway and one in the bathroom so that when she wakes to use the restroom she can see (and I don't have to come running everytime she gets up to use the bathroom.) The lights I use are dual purpose...if the power goes out, which it often does because of thunder and lightning storms, they automatically turn into flashlights. They also turn on/off with the time of day.

WowjustWow's picture

They have some that are rectangular and give off a light blueish glow. They are the energy efficient ones. I keep one in the bathroom. It has a sensor so it turns off when it is bright enough.

The blue ones aren't bright, just give off a little light to make out shapes, so it shouldn't keep BS up. It's certainly not enough light to be able to play. I think I got mine at the grocery store.

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

StepG's picture

almost 9 has a lava lamp in his room. I prefer the dark but my H is 36 likes some light visible where he sleeps for reasons others listed about like tripping over stuff and just being able to see.

How bright is the light in your son's room for him to be able to get up and play? It could be him being so young and as he gets older he want a nightlight of his own. SS lava lamp just puts out a dull blue glow over the room. It is not real bright.

Amazed's picture

Dh got sick of turning off my sons nightlight in the morning when he would forget so I bought him a light sensor night light. It isn't really a traditional nightlight, it cycles in different muted colors and looks like a tiny aquarium. It doesn't provide much light at all but makes my son feel secure. Maybe try one of those?

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

The Principlist's picture

I use both the regular and the green glow ones. They are a must have in our home. Even though we live in a very populated City our house does not get illumination from the street lights from how it sits. The street lights re to the front of my house and I only have ONE BR on the front. All of my other BRs are to the back of the house. Well the back of my house abuts several other neighborhoods (crazy how they did that). In any event, there is absolutely NO lighting at the back of my house unless I turn on my exterior lights. We do not sleep with the exterior lights on, but inside my house with the lights off you could not see your hands in front of your face.

So, DH would always buy the bright night lights but the bulbs are ALWAYS needing replacing because the kids forget to turn them off. I began purchasing and replacing the brighter ones with the softer lighted ones. They both work well, but I prefer the soft light of the green ones. AND SS12s light recently blew. He wanted me to go and buy new lights. I suggested that he take one of the green glows. He had a FIT. I refuse to budge. I am not running out to buy a freaking night light every time they blow one nor am I gonna keep running around shutting them off either. So, his options were use the green one or sleep in the dark. Guess which one he chose and LOVED? YEP! The green one. I say try the soft glow and plug it near SDs bed away from the crib. That way she feels secure and he does not get distracted at bedtime.

We also use the brighter lights in the commoon areas such as the LR and Bathrooms mainly now.

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

The Principlist's picture

That option SUX for me still. I think BM needs to go BACK to her TH. This is no safer an option for SD5 to be in a room by herself where there are 5 guys. Coming from someone who was molested as a child and literally taken OUT of bed in a room full of other kids and off into the night....NOT a good idea. Is it just me that sees the potential problems? I'm not saying that any of these guys are capable of this, but one never knows. Trust me on that one.

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

Rags's picture

top of the stairs. Other than that ....... no night lights. My SS was afraid of the dark until he went off to boarding school where such issues would result in his peers making him a target of extreme ridicule. No more issue with needing a light at night.

Even when he was at home full time I would not allow a night light in his room. My thinking was that if he had no light he would address his fear of the dark. Nope, I missed that one completely. He would sleep with his door open and the hall light sensitive night lite would cover his room. Then we moved. The new place has a street light right outside of his window so a night light was no longer an issue.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)

Wicked2Three's picture

Have you tried "monster spray"? I read about this wonderful idea before I had kids, but my kids are not afraid of the dark.

What you do is get an empty spray bottle from the cosmetic section and fill it with scented water. Any scent. It could be some cheap perfume cut with water of course, or the kids favorite smell...banana, coconut, etc... Then you label the bottle "Monster Spray". Give it to the kid in question and tell them that it will ward off all monsters and bed time creatures. You can spray it a few times under the bed and in the closet as they crawl into bed and then put it within their reach if they "need" to spray it a few times in the night.

I thought it was a fun cute idea.

Amazed's picture

I should try that with my son...he doesn't really have issues anymore but he does have bad dreams every now and spray might help! Thanks!

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”