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Gem's Blog

Father's Day Coming Up: thinking it thru

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A. Last Father's Day scenario: Two of my bio kids called him to wish him a happy day. One of my bio kids came to see him and brought him a card. His bio son neither called nor showed up. His bio daughter called but ONLY to rant over the phone about his wife (that would be me). She apparently was still on her rant from Christmas (the last time we heard from her).

Blog entry 4: Lessons learned

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If I could go back in time and tell my 34 year old self, this is the advice I would give.

1) Do not marry a man with a 13 year old daughter who has been "lady of the house" and only (that she knew about) "lady in daddy's life" for seven years. Wait til the girl is older and has a life of her own. You are walking into an absolute setup.

Remembering the beginning.

Gem's picture

I have been a stepmom for 26 years. The first years were hellacious. My husband was a "weekend warrior" (his description, but probably would have been more truthful to have called himself the "weekend red carpet"). His children at the time were a boy 10 and a girl 13. He had been divorced for seven years. His idea of "parenting" was to get them on the weekend (or whenever mommy wanted a sitter) and strew the path to his door with roses. The time then was spent totally doting on them, no discipline. After all, he wanted the time to be "special". Let mom do the discipline.