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O/T work events

Gabriels Mom's picture

Every once in awhile we do potlucks at work. You sign up and write down what you will bring. I'm funny about food so I'm cool with doing with our team...We expanded a little bit this time and offered the opportunity to participate to other teams. About 25 people total participated. After everyone who participated got something to eat. My supervisor asked if anyone who didn't participate wanted to get something to eat. My issue isn't feeding people. It's just food. It's just the same people every time that never participate, never contribute toward the cost of this thing eating at our potlucks. They swarm over it like locusts, devour everything and then we have to clean up the mess. That's what bothers me. I wouldn't feel right eating at a potluck that I didn't contribute to in some way. IDK it just irks me. Maybe it's just because I know the people who work here...they are rude and immature and always looking for free stuff.


msg1986's picture

I know how you feel. At work we have units that are made up of about 12 people and there is one gentlemen who doesn't really like to participate and when he does he'll offer to bring outrageous stuff, like for instance at the last pot luck the theme was Mexican food, and this fool showed up with a boom-box and his ipod programmed to a Spanish station on Pandora and said he brought the entertainment. He then proceeded to eat pretty much more than everyone, didn't help clean up and the snuck back in after everyone was done and took pretty much all the food home. He'll do this too when he doesn't participate, as far was sneaking in when everyone is gone and taking the food home. The shitty thing is no one will say anything to him because with our union and all the non-discrimination type of shit (which he would pull in sec) no one wants to step on any toes or offend, it's stupid. I think you have every right to feel the way you do, if you didn't participate as far as bringing something/shelling in some cash then you shouldn't even bat an eye at coming to enjoy the potluck... even if you're invited after the fact.

Gabriels Mom's picture

We love doing it though. We have so many different kinds of people here from different places so potlucks are always cool. I think my manager is just too nice sometimes. It's just a gripe.

hereiam's picture

Are the pot lucks on Fridays? We started have our pot lucks on Thursdays, so us contributors could have the left overs for the next day.

I would feel weird offering other peoples' contributions to the non-contributors; maybe people would like to take their leftovers home.

Gabriels Mom's picture

ours are totally random...someone will say "hey we haven't had a potluck in awhile..." and we start planning one...this one was breakfast so we did it on saturday morning because we do more breakfast runs on saturdays...

oldone's picture

I helped organize a political event at the state capital for our 8 Republican house members and a number of their constituents.

Several of the Democrats came over and started taking the food. I confronted one and asked him if he was changing parties. I embarrassed the hell out of him with some people from his district. It was somebody really powerful and the person he was talking to could not believe that I had the nerve to do that. But he was glad that I did.

There were HUGE banners everywhere proclaiming it was a Republican event. This was before FB or I'd have had a great picture to post and pillory him with.

I was very polite but did call him out. We still laugh about that. He's no longer in office. I think he may be one of the guys that is now in prison.

Gabriels Mom's picture

LOL I loudly proclaimed that I licked all the serving spoons....they didn't eat as much this time...

hereiam's picture

You could just start assigning stuff. Make it store bought stuff, like soda or condiments or something for the ones who mooch. Or tell the participants to just get their leftovers after they are done getting what they want.

Really, the supervisor is to blame for setting the precedent that the moochers get the leftovers; they know this now. You just can't be nice sometimes, without people taking advantage every.single.time.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I love her to death but she is just like that...this is a woman is is raising her brother's 4 kids and his wife's kid from a previous relationship...these people just keep having kids and a few months after they are born when they get bored with the kid she takes it...seriously I told her she needs to tell them to stop...