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O/T best autocorrect EVER! (this is probably TMI)

Gabriels Mom's picture

DH has been working 2-4 hours over every night this week and I have been working 7 days a week so we've both been really tired and haven't really been intimate this week. Last night DH practically attacked me when I got home.

While we were "recovering" I asked him what that was all about

He said "your text message."

Text message?

I looked at my phone. I meant to say 'I am so effing hungry I can't wait to get home' but it Autocorrected to "I am so effing horney I can't wait to get home" LOL


Gabriels Mom's picture

Don't get me wrong, sex with DH is fantastic but last night was phenomenal.

I should start sending those messages accidentally on purpose.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

That's hysterical !
I would probably text horney and be told I thought you meant hungry. Lol