1 year coming up
and my F can finally file for divorce. Did any of you go with your H/F when he went to the lawyer for the first time. My F wants me to go with him bc he is nervous and I want to go but I dont want to hurt his case either. Given we live together and his ex lives with her bf I know that can in court be used against him. So should I stay home and write out everything for him to give to the lawyer or let him. Because Im afraid he will be really nervous and forget half of what to tell him!!!If so what types of things do they ask you or what are we in for?
- FuBaR's blog
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Sure you should go if you want to. If he tells you don't show up in court then stay away.
I went to almost every...
appointment he had with his lawyer.
I, however, stayed clear of the actual courtroom...I let him handle that aspect.
I know the lawyer appreciated when I became involved. I was very organized and very knowledgeable of the process (since I'd done it all before). I was merely there to help...not interfere.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley