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Freedom2005's Blog

Permissive Parenting.... does this sound familiar?

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I found this article on permissive parenting. Thanks to crayon, I started looking around differently on the internet for articles that deal with what I am seeing with my BF. It seems to be an epidemic similar to guilt parenting. It even mentions how the parent loves the child, there is no doubt, and that there is a strong bond. The flip side is that they can get that type of bond from school mates or friends, but that children need a PARENT!

A side story about me and SD10

Freedom2005's picture

Most of my posts about SD10 have been pretty harsh. I wanted to record for posterity (lol for my selfish reasons) a good story. I guess you could say I wanted to share.

The other day, we were dropping off BDs10 and 8 of mine and we were on the way back. I had SS12 and SD10 with me. I don't remember how it came up, but SD10 said, "I am upset with Mommy"

SS12, "SD10, What is up?"

I was not going to get involved unless I had to.

SD10, "She didn't give me a birthday party because we had to go to court"

It is so hard to fall from a pedestal

Freedom2005's picture

Some hard lessons were learned tonight by BF and SD10, such as she is not the only child in our home.

Last night, BF asked me if SD10 could sleep on the couch in our room one night this week. Not for any reason other than she asked to do so. No crisis, no special night, no storms.... just wanted to sleep in our room.

I could not give him an answer right away. I don't think she SHOULD sleep in our room at all! She is 10 years old! My daughters were in their own room before they were 2!

Progress with BF and SD10!

Freedom2005's picture

Counseling is going great! Counselor HAD talked to BF about SD10 and some other variious things. She hit him hard with the "Freedom2005 should be the number 1 woman in the home" LOL She had to draw him a picture. She also agreed that SD10 also acts younger than her 10 years when she is around her Dad.

He listened! I am so glad too. He has been pulling away from her a little, showing more affection in full view of ALL the kids. Now, they are small, and I don't expect him to fully shun her, that would be just as bad!

The newest drama!!!

Freedom2005's picture

Ya know, my BF states that he does not like drama, yet when it comes to his lovely daughter, he is so wrapped up!

This morning is an example. My daughters, BD10 and BD8, and SD10 were getting ready for school. As they were walking out the door, I noticed that SD10 had one of my daughter's backpacks. Now, I know that SD10 does not have a backpack of her own, and I would not have said anything, but this was my BD10 backpack. Oh, and SD10 had been giving one of my BD8 back pack a few weeks ago!

Seems like it is in the air... BF upset because I confronted him

Freedom2005's picture

Not a good day today. I enjoy this blogging as a vent if nothing else. I also keep a notebook of things for myself.

I am wondering if my relationship will continue very much longer. I confronted BF today about SD10. As usual when I do this, he gets defensive. He thinks I am wanting him to choose between me and his daughter. I would never want to do that. As you all have seen though,who have read my other blogs, his relationship with his daughter is not healthy, even the counselor says so.

About the BM... sad story, but familiar...drug addiction

Freedom2005's picture

I have not posted about BF's ex, the BM because I don't normally think about her. BF and I use to talk about her a lot, his venting and asking advice. She is not a problem for me, other than what she does to her kids. She does not even really cause problems for BF, other than being needy every once in a while.

Reading a book.... think I am gonna be sick!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, I know there are guys here, but please read my posts and several others about our "princesses" and you will understand.

I have downloaded an audio book that my BF had read. It is called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" and the more I listen, the more I want to be physically ill. I was listening this morning when I got so upset that I am not sure I will be able to listen to more of it!

This book is spewing how special a father is to his daughter. It is trying to show fathers how important they are to their daughter.

Ok, I can live with that... until....

Dicipline sucks!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so why is it when I mention to take away priviledges, that BF says "How about instead of that... lets give them rewards for NOT behaving badly"

Uh, ......... Ok...... I can agree with that.... but....

So I ask, "ok, what if they DO break a rule?"

BF, "Give them a lesser reward!"

Did I just fall off a turnip truck???
