Order of Protection
Does anyone have any experience filing an order of protection on behalf of minors? As many of you know, my SO is not divorced and there is no custody order yet. BM has been keeping 4 year old girl and teen boys from the father. Most recently she has been hiding her car so he cannot find her, in fact we filed missing persons reports when they were gone for 4 days. After three days of waiting at the school and trying to pick up 4 year old, he hid HIS car and waited for her at her garage. He managed to take the girl but BM told him if he didn't give her more money he would never see her again. This BM is typical psycho BM who has tried or faked suicide, PAS's the kids and tells everyone tons of lies. He is preparing to file divorce and custody in the next few weeks after foreign marriage certificate arrives. This is getting very bad for the children and everyone involved. Hiding children and threatening to hide children are on the list of reasons to file as well as emotional abuse, children not dressed for the weather (kid outside with no coat in 29 degree weather) and any other reason that can potentially harm a child.
Anyone know what the fallout might be?
- Francesca's blog
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She holds dual citizenship,
She holds dual citizenship, but born in the US. He's born in Europe. The police told us to go put a hold the children' passports, father must be notified if they try to leave. She has threatened to take them to NY or Europe. All the relatives have told her not to come. She tried to set it up so that his relatives thought he had left her with no food or money and we were alcoholics/drug addicts, then she asked them if she could come stay with them. We had a lot of damage control to do. After talking to her and us they now realize she is either crazy or a crazy manipulator. I'm pushing him to file the OOP to stop this and because I think she's getting worse everyday.
Italy. We have the girl now.
Italy. We have the girl now. She does not want to go back to her mother. The sons have been PAS'd. You are right, they don't want to see him. She told them he does not love them and loves only his whore. Nice. They rented their house (due to his unemployment and her refusal to work), she told them he kicked them out of the house. The mediator sent us an e-maIl a few days ago and said BM said she would return to mediationer IF father went to counseling with the boys. He has tried to go to counseling since early summer, she won't give him the counselor's name. We even wrote to DCFS and called the caseworker who would not give us the info. BM quit mediation after one session and promises to send the boys to dinner with father and share the daughter. BM is a pathological liar, or whatever suits her at the moment. It is a huge mess, however, BM did not figure that I would help him. She's used her superior English skills to fool him for a very long time. She makes up any story and expects him to believe it. In any case, I have no intention of letting him take the girl back until BM agrees to cooperate and puts it in writing. She can do what we did, go to the police who are no help whatsoever. Without a court order no one will act. Hopefully we can beat her to the filing, although she just does not want to let him go. That is the ONLY reason she has not filed.