Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's Blog
OMFG: Text Messages to MY phone at 6:55 AM from BM
When I was a kid I was taught that you don't call people before 9am or after 8pm unless it was an emergency. Now will cell phones it seems like any sort of manners have gone out the window. Who the hell thinks it's ok to start texting someone before 7am on a Sunday to talk about switching a weekend?! It can't wait 2 freaking hours?!?!
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BM Sez: SD11 WILL be going to her soccer game on your weekend
So we're pretty darn reasonable. SD11 plays soccer and DH takes her to her games on his weekend and sits and watches. But we're planning on being out of town on the 18th for my nieces birthday. SD11 has a game on Saturday and Sunday so we just figured she would miss the Saturday game. DH informes BM of this and she says 'NO! SD WILL be at her game.' There is nothing at all in the CO about activities falling on the other parent's weekend. I think DH needs to put his foot down and say that we have plans. It's just 1 damn game (and they suck anyway...
OT: Potty Training Woes BS3stb4
BS will be 4 in May. We switched from Diapers to Pull-ups at 3. He goes potty at daycare just fine. But at home no such deal. I put him in 'big boy underwear' on Sunday. And he would hold his urine and then freak out and say he wanted a pull-up. Then he would pee in the pull-up and want more big boy underwear.
I'm asking him every half hour if he needs to go potty and that didn't work. He would say no... and then just go 5 min later. So I started trying to just take him to 'try' every half hour. But then he would flip out and say he didn't want to go potty.
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OT: My Bitch.... when you order stuff and they forget to put something in the box
I needed pullups for my son. If I order them online at they will arrive the next day. Supposed to snow today so that would be so... convenient! Pullups are $32... if I spend $49 I get free shipping... so add some hair conditioner, some coconut oil and a book for my son.
What is waiting on my porch today..... a HUGE box... with hair conditioner, coconut oil and a book. No Pullups! I call and they will send out a replacement 'at no charge to me'... I wanted to say NO SHIT... I ALREADY PAID FOR THEM AND DIDN'T GET THEM!
What Asshat Schedules a Soccer Game for 9:30 PM on Valentines Day!
Well.. yippee! Valentines Day is on a Saturday and a non Skid weekend this year!! But SD11 has a soccer game at 9:30 PM that night?!?!? WTF... who the hell would put something like that on a game schedule. I mention to DH that that is Valentines Day and he's like 'yeah.. so?' OMFG.. I give up!
OT: Daycare put my son's coat on wrong kid yesterday and now the kid isn't there today...
We have odd weather here in MO. It was 70 on Wednesday and it will be 30 this weekend. I picked my son up yesterday and was met at the door by the substitute lady. She put my son's winter coat on another little boy. I understand... they were both blue and the dad who picked up the kid said 'yeah, I think that's his coat'. She asked me if I wanted him to use the other boy's coat since his was gone. It was warm enough to go without so I didn't. I sent him today in his jean jacket thinking it was just from the car to the building and we'd get his coat back today.
OT: Maryland Parents under CPS investigation for letting kids walk home from park alone.
I really don't agree with what is happening to these parents.
Child Support Calculation Question
I know it's different for each state.. we're in MO if that matters. 5 years ago DH divorced BM and child support was set at $550 for the 2 kids. He is making a little bit less than he did 5 years ago but for this example lets just say his salary is the same. He's remarried and now has BS with me.
Would the fact that he has another child come into play in the CS calculation? If it was to be reevaluated could the amount be lowered? I don't think he would ever go and have it lowered as he wouldn't want to start a fight with her but I was just curious.
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OT Rant(ish) BS3stb4 is too smart for public preschool
So here in MO public preschool is not for everyone. There are 32 spots at the elementary school and you have to have your kid screened to get in. The 32 spots go to the kids that need it the most. I get this and I agree with it. Those kids need the help to get ready for kindergarten. (some of them because their parents just plop them in front of a tv) But I'm still peeved that he won't get a spot. BS3stb4 tested way high. When I first saw his score of 65 I was thinking it was bad... but the screener said 'no, we have kids that score a 1'. She said he was way high for his age.
CNN: SS kills Husband, SM & BD
Apparently I need 10 words so here enough words to post.
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