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Fluff's Blog

SS Stealing

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SS stole from my partner years ago. Substantially and regularly. I found this out accidentally but told her and things really blew up. 

I guess it's been around 7\8 years since and SS was married. About a year and half ago they split up and SS moved to a rental initially paid for by exSIL. In the last six months SS has had to move - downwards - from a house to a studio flat (he's paying himself)

Since the split he's had £1000's off of my partner and her brother which he claims he will pay back - like h*ll he will!  Deposit for the flat, vehicle rental etc etc. 

Almost speechless

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I just need to rant - mainly so I don't rant to my OH again this week. We've been at home - I'm working - she's just being bonkers because her routine is out. We're both high risk - I'm diabetic with a small heart problem and she's been asthmatic since childhood and has had pneumonia twice. I went nuclear when she said she'd be going to work - around 400 miles away, staying in a hotel and working in a school (she's a consultant in special needs education). That's between us and after some heated discussion we've come to an agreement about how that should go.

Firstly - A big thank you

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To everyone who posts on this site. Not that I necessarily agree with all the views expressed - but even those I don't agree with give much food for thought.

I've been reading and reading for ages and the one thing that has helped more than anything is the advice re disengaging. It is this which I have done my best to do and really works for me. Now, however, circumstances are changing and the manipulation and demands of my SO's adult son 30 is more than likely going to split us up and that breaks my heart.