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Flippinexhausted's Blog

My idiot FSS

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I bought my kids a $200.00 swimming pool,not huge but big enough for all of them to cool off in it...SS posted today on his Facebook,He was "Chillin in his pool" and drinkin' vodka...God I hate him and I wish I could afford vodka,I probably could if dipshit would pay rent,he's such a jackass.I wanna put itch powder in his underwear,and then lace the calamine lotion with turpentine.

Thinks at 23 he could buy his own stupid socks.....

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instead of coming into our room to get socks out of our drawer.I told fiance,maybe you could buy him some socks and then realizing what I had said,changed it to,you know what why can't he buy his own FLIPPIN SOCKS?Crap,they've brainwashed me into thinking he's a freakin kid!