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FeuilleMorte's Blog

Keep in mind...

FeuilleMorte's picture

Venting is good. Venting is necessary.

Keeping yourself all jacked up and angry is not good. There's a lot of that going on on this site. Try to keep in mind the difference between healthy venting and unhealthy anger.

I'm leaving. I had an encounter with one of the mods here which convinced me that this is not the site for me.

Go with God, all of you.

My thoughts on Facebook

FeuilleMorte's picture

I see a lot of posts full of angst about what somebody said or did on Facebook.

Amigos -- letting what someone else does on Facebook affect you is exactly the same thing as handing a big hammer to an enemy, standing in front of them, and saying, "Please don't hurt me."

Some thoughts to consider, all learned from hard experience:

a) You cannot control what anyone else does on FB. Period.

b) You do not have to be on FB. If you find that it constantly upsets you, get off for a while. Anyone who really needs to talk to you will call or email.